
Class 4 Science MCQs Chapter 7

Updated: 02 Oct 2022


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Class 4 Science MCQs Chapter 7

The Earth and its Resources

Chapter No. 7 Test # 1

1. The basic material that humans get from land, sea or air is called _______resources.
(a) Artificial
(b) Natural
(c) Metal
(d) None of these
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2. About ______ of the land is cultivated in the world.
(a) 9 %
(b) 10 %
(c) 11 %
(d) 14 %
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11 %

3. In the globe of earth, green or light brown indicates ______
(a) Water
(b) Land
(c) Desert
(d) Mountains
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4. About _______ of the Earth’s surface is covered by water.
(a) 71%
(b) 29%
(c) 11%
(d) 97%
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5. About ________ of the Earth’s surface is land.
(a) 71%
(b) 29%
(c) 11%
(d) 91%
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6. Air is present even in ______
(a) Earth
(b) Soil
(c) Water
(d) All of these
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All of these

7. About ______ of water on the Earth is in the oceans.
(a) 71%
(b) 29%
(c) 3%
(d) 97%
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8. The ______ percent of water is present in glaciers, streams, rivers and lakes.
(a) 71%
(b) 29%
(c) 3%
(d) 97%
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9. The water from rivers and streams flow to ______
(a) Lakes
(b) Oceans
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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Both a & b

10. ______ is used to make bricks and pottery.
(a) Glass
(b) Stone
(c) Clay
(d) None of these
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11. ______ is commonly used to make buildings and glass.
(a) Sand
(b) Stone
(c) Clay
(d) None of these
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12. The rubber is obtained from the secretion of a ________.
(a) Black coal
(b) Artificial
(c) Rubber tree
(d) None of these
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Rubber tree

13. All living things need water to ______
(a) Food
(b) Survive
(c) Running
(d) none of these
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14. Running water is used to generate _________.
(a) Heat
(b) Fuel
(c) Electricity
(d) None of these
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15. Fast blowing air is used to generate _________.
(a) Heat
(b) Fuel
(c) Electricity
(d) None of these
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16. The outer layer of the Earth is called ______.
(a) Air
(b) Water
(c) Soil
(d) None of these
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17. Soil provides essential __________ to plants for growth.
(a) Coal
(b) Fuel
(c) Nutrients
(d) None of these
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18. World soil day is celebrated on________.
(a) 5th December
(b) 5thMarch
(c) 5thFebruary
(d) 5thJune
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5th December

19. The part of the Earth that is completely covered with trees is called _____.
(a) Deserts
(b) Ocean
(c) Forest
(d) None of these
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20. ______ not only provide us timber but are also natural habitats for animals.
(a) Deserts
(b) Ocean
(c) Forest
(d) None of these
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21. Forest provides us ______ air.
(a) Polluted
(b) Oxygenated
(c) No
(d) Timber
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22. Forests cover _______ of the total area of Pakistan.
(a) 5.2%
(b) 6%
(c) 25%
(d) 9%
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23. Pakistan’s largest natural forest is located in the city of ________.
(a) Swat
(b) Muree
(c) Ziarat
(d) None of these
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24. ______ found in the underground part of earth.
(a) Filter oil
(b) Crude oil
(c) Artificial oil
(d) No oil
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Crude oil

25. We produce kerosene, petrol, diesel, engine oil, grease, petroleum jelly and coaltar from the ______.
(a) Filter oil
(b) Crude oil
(c) Artificial oil
(d) No oil
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Crude oil

26. Natural gas is obtained from the ______
(a) CNG stations
(b) Laboratory
(c) Artificial source
(d) Crude oil
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Crude oil

27. Natural gas is used for:
(a) Heating and cooking
(b) Generate electricity
(c) Make fertilizers
(d) All of these
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All of these

28. Coal is a ______ resource.
(a) Artificial
(b) Natural
(c) No
(d) None of these
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Chapter No. 7 Test # 2

29. The second largest mine of natural salt in the world is located at ______ (PindDadan khan) in Pakistan.
(a) Peshawar
(b) Lahore
(c) Khewra
(d) None of these
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30. ______ are simple solid chemical substances which are present in the earth.
(a) Oil
(b) Petrol
(c) Gas
(d) Minerals
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31. ______ are used to make wires, coins, jewelry and utensils.
(a) Oil
(b) Petrol
(c) Gas
(d) Minerals
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32. The imprints or remains of many organisms that do not exist in this world now are known as______.
(a) Fuels
(b) Food
(c) Fossils
(d) None of these
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33. Fossils are found under ______
(a) Rocks
(b) Soil
(c) Sea
(d) All of these
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All of these

34. ______ were lizards like giant animals.
(a) Giraffa
(b) Dinosaurs
(c) Elephant
(d) None of these
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35. Dinosaurs were present on earth ______ of years ago.
(a) Hundreds
(b) Thousands
(c) Millions
(d) None of these
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36. Dinosaurs are now_______.
(a) In Amazon
(b) Extinct
(c) Live in high mountains
(d) None of these
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37. The skeletons of many ancient animals are still preserved in:
(a) Soil and rock
(b) Salt reservoirs
(c) High mountains
(d) None of these
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Soil and rock

38. _______is/are called non-renewable resources.
(a) Coal
(b) Petrol, diesel
(c) Natural gas
(d) All of these
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All of these

39. Those resources which cannot be replaced by new ones easily are called ______ resources
(a) Renewable
(b) Non-renewable
(c) Sunlight
(d) Water
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40 Coal, petrol, diesel and natural gas take ______ of years to form
(a) Hundreds
(b) Thousands
(c) Millions
(d) None of these
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41. Coal, petrol, diesel and natural gas are ______ resources.
(a) Renewable
(b) Non-renewable
(c) Sunlight
(d) Water
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42. Those unlimited resources which can be replaced after use are called _____resources.
(a) Renewable
(b) Non-renewable
(c) Coal
(d) Petrol
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43. Air, water, soil, forest and solar energy are ________resources.
(a) Renewable
(b) Non-renewable
(c) Coal
(d) Petrol
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44. Some renewable resources are used as ______ substitutes.
(a) Food
(b) Wind
(c) Fuel
(d) All of these
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45. The lavish use of natural resources is causing irreparable ______ to our environment.
(a) Benefit
(b) Damage
(c) Good
(d) All of them
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46. Man’s careless use of natural resources is causing irreparable damage to __________.
(a) Energy
(b) Houses
(c) Environment
(d) None of these
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47. Due to excessive use of natural resources, humans are facing problems like:
(a) Climatic change
(b) Pollution
(c) Lake of clean water
(d) All of these
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All of these

48. Due to excessive use of natural resources, renewable resources will also run out or will become________.
(a) Useable
(b) Unusable
(c) Good condition
(d) Grow more
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49. All living bodies _________ on natural resources to survive.
(a) Depend
(b) Do not depend
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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50. Recycling saves natural resources by making things________.
(a) Reusable
(b) Throwing
(c) Polluted
(d) None of these
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51. When water falls from the sky as rain then it joins the reivers and streams that flow towards:
(a) Lakes
(b) Oceans
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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Both a & b

52. Glass Is made from:
(a) Sugar
(b) Sand
(c) Plastic
(d) Rubber
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53. About what percentage of the Earth’s surface is land?
(a) 1 percent
(b) 21 percent
(c) 29 percent
(d) 30 percent
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29 percent

54. Remains of dead animals and plants found in the earth are called
(a) Soil
(b) Minerals
(c) Stones
(d) Fossils
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55. To make things reusable is called:
(a) Recycling
(b) Conservation of resources
(c) Care
(d) Cycling
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56. An example of non-renewable sources is:
(a) Oil
(b) Soil
(c) Air
(d) Solar energy
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