Class 9 Physics Chapter 8

Updated: 29 Oct 2023


Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 is about “Thermal Properties of Matter“. This article includes topics such as Thermal Properties of Matter, Temperature, Heat, Measurement of Temperature, Thermometric Property, Temperature Scales, Centigrade or Celsius Scale, Fahrenheit Scale, Kelvin or Absolute Scale, Relationship between Different Scales of Temperature, Conversion between Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scale, Conversion between Centigrade and Kelvin Scale, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Expansion of Solids (Linear Thermal Expansion of Solids, Volume (Cubical) Thermal Expansion of Solids), Thermal Expansion of Liquids, Real Expansion of Liquids, Apparent Expansion of Liquids, Coefficient of Real Expansion, Coefficient of Apparent Expansion, Anomalous Expansion of Water, Applications and Consequences of Thermal Expansion (Railway lines, Opening of Tight Jar Lid, Transmission Lines, Shrink-fitting of Axles into Gear Wheels, Expand Fitting Iron Ring to a Cart Wheel, Expansion Joints, Bimetallic Strip), Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity, Heat Capacity (Thermal Capacity), Specific Heat Capacity (Specific Heat), Importance of High Specific Heat Capacity of Water (Moderate Climate of Sea Shore, As a coolant), Latent Heat and Phase Change, Latent Heat of Fusion, Specific Latent Heat of Fusion, Latent Heat of Vaporization, Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization, Evaporation of Liquids (Nature of Liquid, Temperature of Liquid, Temperature of surrounding, Presence of water vapor in Air, Area of the exposed surface of the liquid, Movement of Air, Dryness of Air, Air Pressure on the Surface of the Liquid), Evaporation causes Cooling, Evaporation vs Boiling, Applications of Cooling by Evaporation (Cooling by Fans, Fever Control, Refrigerator).

Table of Content
  1. Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 Notes
    1. Thermal Properties of Matter Notes
    2. Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 SLO Notes
  2. Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 MCQs
    1. Thermal Properties of Matter
      1. Introduction
    2. Temperature
      1. Internal Kinetic Energy
    3. Heat
    4. Measurement of Temperature
      1. Thermometry
      2. Thermometric Property
    5. Temperature Scales
      1. Centigrade or Celsius Scale
      2. Fahrenheit Scale
      3. Kelvin or Absolute Scale
    6. Relationship between Different Scales of Temperature.
    7. Thermal Expansion
    8. Thermal Expansion of Solids
      1. Linear Thermal Expansion of Solids
      2. Superficial Thermal Expansion
      3. Volume (Cubical) Thermal Expansion of Solids
    9. Thermal Expansion of Liquids
      1. Real Expansion of Liquids
      2. Apparent Expansion of Liquids
      3. Anomalous Expansion of Water
    10. Applications and Consequences of Thermal Expansion
      1. Railway lines
      2. Opening of Tight Jar Lid
      3. Transmission Lines
      4. Bimetallic Strip
    11. Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity
      1. Heat Capacity (Thermal Capacity)
      2. Specific Heat Capacity (Specific Heat)
    12. Latent Heat and Phase Change
    13. Latent Heat of Fusion
    14. Specific Latent Heat of Fusion
    15. Latent Heat of Vaporization
    16. Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization
    17. Evaporation of Liquids
    18. Evaporation causes Cooling
    19. Applications of Cooling by Evaporation
      1. Cooling by Fans
      2. Fever Control
      3. Refrigerator
  3. Physics Class 9 MCQs (All Chapters)

Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 Notes

Thermal Properties of Matter Notes


Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 Notes

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Class 9 Physics Chapter 8 MCQs

Thermal Properties of Matter


1 The study of heat transformations into other forms of energy is,
(a) Thermodynamics
(b) Kinematics
(c) Mechanic
(d) Dynamic
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2 When did the study of thermodynamics begin?
(a) 18th century
(b) 19th century
(c) 20th century
(d) 21st century
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18th century

3 What were the initial applications of steam engines during the Industrial Revolution?
(a) Powering smartphones
(b) Powering trains, factories, and water pumps
(c) Generating electricity
(d) Fueling automobiles
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Powering trains, factories, and water pumps

4 When were the concepts of thermodynamics linked to the motions of atoms and molecules?
(a) Around 1700
(b) Around 1800
(c) Around 1900
(d) Around 2000
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Around 1900

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Internal Kinetic Energy

5 The measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of a body with respect to some standard is called,
(a) Temperature
(b) Heat
(c) Energy
(d) Momentum
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6 What is the average kinetic energy of molecules in a body related to?
(a) The color of the body
(b) The body’s weight
(c) The body’s volume
(d) The body’s temperature
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The body’s temperature

7 What is the symbol used to represent temperature?
(a) T
(b) C
(c) F
(d) K
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8 In which units is temperature commonly measured?
(a) A, B, C
(b) {}^oC, {}^oF, K
(c) X, Y, Z
(d) M, N, O
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{}^oC, {}^oF, K

9 What is the SI unit of temperature?
(a) Celsius ({}^oC)
(b) Kelvin (K)
(c) Fahrenheit ({}^oF)
(d) All of these
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Kelvin (K)

10 Which location is the hottest place on Earth?
(a) The Antarctic
(b) Death Valley, California
(c) The Sahara Desert
(d) The Amazon Rainforest
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Death Valley, California

11 What is internal energy in a substance primarily composed of?
(a) Potential energy
(b) Vibrational kinetic energy
(c) Rotational kinetic energy
(d) Both kinetic and potential energies
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Both kinetic and potential energies

12 In a solid, how do atoms primarily move?
(a) Randomly colliding with each other
(b) By stretching and contracting
(c) By jiggling in place
(d) By spinning rapidly
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By jiggling in place

13 Which type of kinetic energy is observed in a monoatomic gas at high temperatures?
(a) Translational kinetic energy
(b) Vibrational kinetic energy
(c) Rotational kinetic energy
(d) All of these
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Translational kinetic energy

14 In gases made up of molecules with more than one atom, what types of kinetic energy can these molecules possess?
(a) Only translational kinetic energy
(b) Translational and rotational kinetic energy
(c) Translational and vibrational kinetic energy
(d) Translational, rotational, and vibrational kinetic energy
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Translational, rotational, and vibrational kinetic energy

15 What happens to the temperature of a gas when energy is added to it?
(a) The temperature decreases
(b) The temperature remains constant
(c) The temperature increases
(d) The temperature fluctuates
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The temperature increases

16 What happens to the kinetic energy of molecules in a gas made up of more than one atom at high temperatures?
(a) It decreases
(b) It remains constant
(c) It increases
(d) It varies randomly
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It increases

17 In a liquid, where are molecules primarily confined to moving?
(a) In a straight line
(b) Randomly throughout the entire volume
(c) Within the confines of the liquid’s surface
(d) In a circular pattern
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Within the confines of the liquid’s surface

18 What type of energy is stored in liquid molecules as they approach each other due to attraction?
(a) Kinetic energy
(b) Potential energy
(c) Vibrational energy
(d) Rotational energy
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Potential energy


19 The transfer of thermal energy from a hotter body to a colder body is called,
(a) Heat
(b) Temperature
(c) Volume
(d) Energy
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20 What symbol is commonly used to represent heat?
(a) H
(b) E
(c) Q
(d) T
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21 What SI unit is used to measure heat?
(a) Kelvin (K)
(b) Joule (J)
(c) Celsius ({}^oC)
(d) Watt (W)
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Joule (J)

22 When two objects with different temperatures are placed in thermal contact, what happens to their temperatures over time?
(a) Both temperatures remain the same
(b) The temperature of the hotter object decreases, while the temperature of the cooler object increases
(c) The temperature of both objects increases
(d) The temperature of both objects decreases
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The temperature of the hotter object decreases, while the temperature of the cooler object increases

23 The state when two objects have the same temperature is said to be:
(a) Thermal equilibrium
(b) Heat transfer
(c) Thermodynamic equilibrium
(d) Temperature balance
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Thermal equilibrium

24 When does thermal equilibrium occur between two objects initially at different temperatures?
(a) When they have equal masses
(b) When they are made of the same material
(c) After some time when they reach a common temperature
(d) When one object absorbs all the heat from the other
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After some time when they reach a common temperature

25 In thermal equilibrium, what can be said about the flow of heat between two objects?
(a) Heat flows from the hotter object to the cooler object
(b) Heat flows from the cooler object to the hotter object
(c) Heat stops flowing between the objects
(d) Heat flows randomly between the objects
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Heat stops flowing between the objects

Measurement of Temperature


26 What is the range of temperatures that our hand can bear for sensing hotness or coldness?
(a) A very large range of temperatures
(b) A very small range of temperatures
(c) The same range as a thermometer
(d) All of these
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A very small range of temperatures

27 What is the branch of physics that deals with the measurement of temperature?
(a) Thermodynamics
(b) Heat transfer
(c) Thermometry
(d) Kinetics
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28 What is an instrument called that is used to measure temperature accurately?
(a) Temperature gauge
(b) Heat sensor
(c) Thermometer
(d) Temperature meter
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Thermometric Property

29 What is the term for a property that increases or decreases uniformly with changes in temperature?
(a) Variable property
(b) Temperature-independent property
(c) Thermometric property
(d) Invariant property
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Thermometric property

30 Which of the following is NOT an example of a thermometric property?
(a) Volume of a liquid
(b) Length of a solid
(c) Gas pressure
(d) Color of a substance
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Color of a substance

31 What is the most commonly used thermometric property?
(a) Electrical resistance
(b) Gas pressure
(c) Thermal expansion of materials
(d) Electromotive force
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Thermal expansion of materials

32 How does a liquid in a glass thermometer measure temperature?
(a) By changes in color of the liquid
(b) By changes in the state of the liquid
(c) By variations in the volume of the liquid
(d) By variations in the pressure of the liquid
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By variations in the volume of the liquid

33 Which liquids are commonly used in glass thermometers?
(a) Water and oil
(b) Mercury and alcohol
(c) Gasoline and acetone
(d) Sodium and potassium
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Mercury and alcohol

Temperature Scales

34 What is a temperature scale or thermometric scale?
(a) A scale used for measuring length
(b) A scale used for measuring time
(c) A scale used for measuring temperature
(d) A scale used for measuring weight
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A scale used for measuring temperature

35 What is another term for a temperature scale?
(a) Measurement scale
(b) Thermodynamic scale
(c) Thermometric scale
(d) Metric scale
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Thermometric scale

36 What are the two reference points on a temperature scale called?
(a) Fixed points
(b) Temperature points
(c) Arbitrary points
(d) Measuring points
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Fixed points

37 How many scales of temperature are commonly used?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
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Centigrade or Celsius Scale

38 Who introduced the Celsius scale of temperature?
(a) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
(b) Anders Celsius
(c) William Thomson
(d) Lord Kelvin
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Anders Celsius

39 What is the other name of the Celsius scale?
(a) Centigrade scale
(b) Fahrenheit scale
(c) Kelvin scale
(d) None of these
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Centigrade scale

40 In the Celsius scale, what are the numerical values assigned to the ice point?
(a) 0{}^o C
(b) 32 {}^oC
(c) -273 {}^oC
(d) 100 {}^oC
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0 {}^oC

41 In the Celsius scale, what are the numerical values assigned to the stream point?
(a) 0 {}^oC
(b) 32 {}^oC
(c) -273 {}^oC
(d) 100 {}^oC
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100 {}^oC

42 What is the interval between the fixed points on the Celsius scale divided into?
(a) 360 equal divisions
(b) 100 equal divisions
(c) 180 equal divisions
(d) 212 equal divisions
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100 equal divisions

43 Each division of the Celsius scale is called:
(a) A degree Fahrenheit
(b) A degree centigrade
(c) A Kelvin
(d) All of these
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A degree centigrade

44 Each division on the Celsius scale is denoted by:
(a) {}^oC
(b) {}^oF
(c) K
(d) {}^oR
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Fahrenheit Scale

45 Who introduced the Fahrenheit scale of temperature?
(a) Anders Celsius
(b) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
(c) William Thomson
(d) Lord Kelvin
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Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit

46 What is the numerical value assigned to the ice point on the Fahrenheit scale?
(a) 0 {}^oF
(b) 32 {}^oF
(c) -273 {}^oF
(d) 100 {}^oF
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32 {}^oF

47 What is the numerical value assigned to the steam point on the Fahrenheit scale?
(a) 0 {}^oF
(b) 32 {}^oF
(c) -273 {}^oF
(d) 212 {}^oF
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212 {}^oF

48 What is the interval between the fixed points on the Fahrenheit scale divided into?
(a) 360 equal divisions
(b) 100 equal divisions
(c) 180 equal divisions
(d) 212 equal divisions
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180 equal divisions

49 Each division of the Fahrenheit scale is called:
(a) A degree Fahrenheit
(b) A degree centigrade
(c) A Kelvin
(d) None of these
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A degree Fahrenheit

50 Each division on the Fahrenheit scale is denoted by:
(a) {}^oC
(b) {}^oF
(c) K
(d) {}^oR
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Kelvin or Absolute Scale

51 Who devised the Kelvin (Absolute) scale of temperature?
(a) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
(b) Anders Celsius
(c) William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)
(d) Sir Isaac Newton
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William Thomson (Lord Kelvin)

52 What is the other name of the Kelvin scale?
(a) Centigrade scale
(b) Fahrenheit scale
(c) Absolute scale
(d) None of these
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Absolute scale

53 What is the numerical value assigned to the ice point on the Kelvin scale?
(a) 0 K
(b) 32 K
(c) 273 K
(d) 100 K
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273 K

54 What is the numerical value assigned to the steam point on the Kelvin scale?
(a) 0 K
(b) 32 K
(c) -273 K
(d) 373 K
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373 K

55 What is the interval between the fixed points on the Kelvin scale divided into?
(a) 360 equal divisions
(b) 100 equal divisions
(c) 180 equal divisions
(d) 212 equal divisions
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100 equal divisions

56 Each division of the Kelvin scale is called:
(a) A degree Fahrenheit
(b) A degree centigrade
(c) A Kelvin
(d) All of these
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A Kelvin

57 Each division on the Kelvin scale is denoted by:
(a) {}^oC
(b) {}^oF
(c) K
(d) {}^oR
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58 What is the term for the lowest temperature at which the molecular movements of matter cease?
(a) Absolute heat point
(b) Critical temperature
(c) Absolute zero
(d) Molecular freezing point
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Absolute zero

59 What is another term for absolute zero?
(a) Molecular standstill point
(b) Zero temperature
(c) Kelvin Zero
(d) Molecular freezing point
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Kelvin Zero

60 What is the lowest temperature at which the molecular movements of matter cease?
(a) 0 \ {}^oC
(b) 32 \ {}^0F
(c) -273 \ {}^oC
(d) 100 \ {}^oF
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61 Which scale is adopted in the international system of units?
(a) Celsius (Centigrade) scale
(b) Fahrenheit scale
(c) Kelvin (Absolute) scale
(d) None of these
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Kelvin (Absolute) scale

Relationship between Different Scales of Temperature.

62 What is the formula to convert Celsius ({}^oC) to Fahrenheit ({}^oF)?
(a) T({}^oF) = T({}^oC) + 32
(b) T({}^oF) = T({}^oC) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32

(c) T(°F) = (T({}^oC) + 32) \times \frac{9}{5}

(d) T(°F) = (T({}^oC) - 32) \times \frac{9}{5}
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T({}^oF) = T({}^oC) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32

63 Using the general conversion formula, what is the Fahrenheit temperature equivalent of 100{}^oC ?
(a) 3 2 \ {}^oF
(b) 212 \ {}^oF
(c) 100 \ {}^oF
(d) 273 \ {}^oF
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212 \ {}^oF

64 How do you convert Celsius (°C) to Kelvin (K) ?
(a) T(K) = T({}^oC) + 273
(b) T(K) = T({}^oC) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32
(c) T(K) = T({}^oC) – 32
(d) T(K) = T({}^oC) \times \frac{5}{9}
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T(K) = T({}^oC) + 273

65 What is the Kelvin equivalent of 37 \ {}^oC ?
(a) 37 K
(b) 273 K
(c) 310 K
(d) 100 K
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310 K

66 What is the formula to convert Fahrenheit ({}^oF) to Celsius ({}^oC) ?
(a) T({}^oC) = (T({}^oF) - 32) \times \frac{5}{9}
(b) T({}^oC) = T({}^oF) + 32
(c) T({}^oC) = T({}^oF) \times \frac{9}{5}
(d) T({}^oC) = T({}^oF) + 273
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T(°C) = (T(°F) – 32) \times \frac{5}{9}

67 What is the equivalent temperature in Celsius when a thermometer reads 32 \ {}^oF ?
(a) 0 \ {}^oC
(b) 32 \ {}^oC
(c) 64 \ {}^oC
(d) -32 \ {}^oC
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0 \ {}^oC

68 To convert Fahrenheit ({}^oF) to Kelvin (K) , you should use the formula:
(a) T(K) = (T({}^oF) - 32) \times \frac{5}{9} + 273
(b) T(K) = T({}^oF) + 32
(c) T(K) = (T({}^oF) \times \frac{5}{9}) – 273
(d) T(K) = T({}^oF) \times \frac{5}{9}
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T(K) = (T({}^oF) - 32) \times \frac{5}{9} + 273

69 What is the equivalent temperature in Kelvin (K) when a thermometer reads 98.6 \ {}^oF ?
(a) 310.15 K
(b) 273.15 K
(c) 370.15 K
(d) 546.27 K
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310.15 K

70 How do you convert Kelvin (K) to Celsius ({}^oC) ?
(a) T({}^oC) = T(K) – 273
(b) T({}^oC) = T(K) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32
(c) T({}^oC) = T(K) + 273
(d) T({}^oC) = T(K) \times \frac{5}{9}
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T({}^oC) = T(K) – 273

71 If the temperature on the Kelvin scale is 310.15 \ K , what is the corresponding temperature in Celsius ({}^oC) ?
(a) 100 \ {}^oC
(b) 273.15 \ {}^oC
(c) 37 \ {}^oC
(d) 310.15 \ {}^oC
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37 \ {}^oC

72 What is the formula to convert Kelvin (K) to Fahrenheit ({}^oF) ?
(a) T({}^oF) = T(K) – 32
(b) T({}^oF) = (T(K) - 273) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32
(c) T({}^oF) = T(K) \times \frac{5}{9}

(d) T({}^oF) = T(K) \times \frac{9}{5}
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T({}^oF) = (T(K) - 273) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32

73 If the temperature on the Kelvin scale is 310.15 \ K , what is the corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit?
(a) 40.33 \ {}^oF
(b) 98.6 \ {}^oF
(c) 570.27 \ {}^oF
(d) 680.33 \ {}^oF
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98.6 \ {}^oF

74 What is the freezing point of water in Kelvin (K) ?
(a) 0 K
(b) 32 K
(c) 273 K
(d) 100 K
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273 K

75 What is the normal body temperature in degrees Celsius?
(a) 32 \ {}^oC
(b) 36 \ {}^oC
(c) 37 \ {}^oC
(d) 40 \ {}^oC
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37 \ {}^oC

Thermal Expansion

6 What is the term used to describe the increase in size of a substance on heating?
(a) Contraction
(b) Dilution
(c) Expansion
(d) Compression
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Thermal Expansion of Solids

77 What are the three types of expansion a solid can undergo?
(a) Linear, circular, and volumetric
(b) Expansion in length, width and depth
(c) Expansion in length, area and volume
(d) None of these
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Expansion in length, area and volume

78 When a solid is heated, why does it expand?
(a) The molecules move closer together
(b) The molecules vibrate through smaller distances
(c) The molecules vibrate through larger distances
(d) The molecules stop vibrating
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The molecules vibrate through larger distances

Linear Thermal Expansion of Solids

79 What is the term used to describe the expansion in length of a substance due to a change in temperature?
(a) Superficial expansion
(b) Cubical expansion
(c) Volumetric expansion
(d) Linear expansion
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Linear expansion

80 The value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion depends on:
(a) The temperature change
(b) The length of the substance
(c) The type of material
(d) The pressure applied
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The type of material

81 What is the symbol used to represent the coefficient of linear thermal expansion?
(a) \alpha
(b) \beta
(c) \gamma
(d) \delta
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82 What is the unit of linear thermal expansion?
(a) Meters per second (m/s)
(b) Inverse degrees Celsius or inverse Kelvin (1/{}^oC \ or \ 1/K)
(c) Newton per square meter (N/m^2)
(d) Joules per kilogram (J/kg)
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Inverse degrees Celsius or inverse Kelvin (1/{}^oC \ or \ 1/K)

83 What is the approximate value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion for copper?
(a) 0.1 \times 10^{-6}/{}^oC
(b) 17 \times 10^{-6}/{}^oC
(c) 10 \times 10^{-6}/{}^oC
(d) 100 \times 10^{-6}/{}^oC
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17 \times 10^{-6}/{}^oC

84 What happens to the length of a material when it’s heated?
(a) It remains the same
(b) It decreases
(c) It increases
(d) It depends on the material
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It increases

85 When a material undergoes linear thermal expansion, what happens to its length as the temperature rises?
(a) It decreases
(b) It remains constant
(c) It increases
(d) It oscillates
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It increases

86 How does the change in temperature relate to the change in length in linear thermal expansion?
(a) They are unrelated
(b) Change in length is directly proportional to change in temperature
(c) Change in temperature is inversely proportional to change in length
(d) None of these
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Change in length is directly proportional to change in temperature

Superficial Thermal Expansion

87 What is the term used to describe the increase in area of a substance due to heating?
(a) Volumetric expansion
(b) Linear expansion
(c) Superficial expansion
(d) Anomalous expansion
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Superficial expansion

Volume (Cubical) Thermal Expansion of Solids

88 What is the increase in volume of a substance due to a rise in temperature called?
(a) Superficial expansion
(b) Linear thermal expansion
(c) Volume thermal expansion
(d) Volumetric contraction
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Volume thermal expansion

89 Volumetric expansion is also known as:
(a) Cubical expansion
(b) Superficial expansion
(c) Linear expansion
(d) Radial expansion
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Cubical expansion

90 What does the coefficient of volume thermal expansion (\gamma) measure?
(a) The change in length per unit length
(b) The change in area per unit area
(c) The change in volume per unit volume
(d) The change in density per unit density
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The change in volume per unit volume

91 How is the increase in volume (\Delta V) related to the original volume (V) and the change in temperature (\Delta T) ?
(a) \Delta V \propto V \Delta T
(b) \Delta V \propto V
(c) \Delta V \propto \frac{\Delta T}{V}

(d) \Delta V \propto \frac{V}{\Delta T}
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\Delta V \propto V \Delta T

92 What is the proportionality constant for volume thermal expansion called?
(a) \alpha
(b) \beta
(c) \gamma
(d) \delta
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93 In which direction do solids typically expand due to volume thermal expansion?
(a) They expand in all directions equally
(b) They expand only in the vertical direction
(c) They expand only in the horizontal direction
(d) They don’t expand in volume
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They expand in all directions equally

94 What is the relationship between the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (\alpha) and volumetric expansion (\gamma) for solids?
(a) \alpha = \gamma
(b) \gamma = 3 \alpha
(c) \alpha = 3 \gamma
(d) \alpha = 2 \gamma
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\gamma = 3 \alpha

95 What is the approximate value of the coefficient of volumetric expansion for copper?
(a) 0.1 \times 10^{-6}/ {}^0C
(b) 51 \times 10^{-6}/ {}^0C
(c) 10 \times 10^{-6}/ {}^0C
(d) 100 \times 10^{-6}/ {}^0C
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51 \times 10^{-6}/ {}^0C

Thermal Expansion of Liquids

96 Which type of expansion can occur in liquids when they are heated?
(a) Linear expansion
(b) Superficial expansion
(c) Volumetric expansion
(d) All of these
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Volumetric expansion

97 What is the increase in volume of a liquid due to heating called?
(a) Linear expansion
(b) Superficial expansion
(c) Volumetric expansion
(d) Apparent expansion
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Volumetric expansion

Real Expansion of Liquids

98 Which type of thermal expansion in liquids is independent of the expansion of the container?
(a) Linear expansion
(b) Superficial expansion
(c) Real expansion
(d) Apparent expansion
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Real expansion

99 What is the term used to describe the real increase in volume of a liquid per unit original volume per unit degree rise in temperature?
(a) Superficial expansion
(b) Linear expansion
(c) Coefficient of apparent expansion
(d) Coefficient of real expansion
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Coefficient of real expansion

Apparent Expansion of Liquids

100 What is the term used to describe the apparent increase in volume of a liquid per unit original volume per unit degree rise in temperature?
(a) Superficial expansion
(b) Linear expansion
(c) Coefficient of apparent expansion
(d) Coefficient of real expansion
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Coefficient of apparent expansion

Anomalous Expansion of Water

101 What is the term for the unusual expansion behavior of water between 0 \ {}^oC \ and \ 4 \ {}^oC ?
(a) Superficial expansion
(b) Anomalous expansion
(c) Real expansion
(d) Apparent expansion
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Anomalous expansion

102 What is the temperature range within which water exhibits its anomalous behavior?
(a) 0 \ {}^oC \ to \ 100 \ {}^oC
(b) 0 \ {}^oC \ to \ 4 \ {}^oC
(c) 4 \ {}^oC \ to \ 100 \ {}^oC
(d) Below 0 \ {}^oC
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0 \ {}^oC \ to \ 4 \ {}^oC

103 At which temperature does water have its maximum density?
(a) 0 \ {}^oC
(b) 4 \ {}^oC
(c) 100 \ {}^oC
(d) None \ of \ these
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4 \ {}^oC

Applications and Consequences of Thermal Expansion

Railway lines

104 Why do railway engineers leave a small gap between two railway tracks when laying them?
(a) To save materials
(b) To make maintenance easier
(c) To prevent accidents caused by thermal expansion
(d) To reduce noise pollution
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To prevent accidents caused by thermal expansion

Opening of Tight Jar Lid

105 How can you loosen a tight lid on a glass jar using thermal expansion?
(a) By freezing the lid
(b) By holding the lid under hot water
(c) By tapping the lid with a hammer
(d) By using a wrench
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By holding the lid under hot water

Transmission Lines

106 Why do transmission lines sag more in the summer compared to winter?
(a) Due to the weight of the lines
(b) Due to thermal expansion of the lines
(c) Due to increased electricity demand
(d) Due to wind pressure
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Due to thermal expansion of the lines

Bimetallic Strip

107 What is the principle behind the operation of a bimetallic strip?
(a) Equal expansion of two metals
(b) Differential expansion of two metals
(c) Magnetic attraction
(d) Optical refraction
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Differential expansion of two metals

Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity

Heat Capacity (Thermal Capacity)

108 What is the term used to describe the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 \ {}^oC \ or \ 1 K ?
(a) Heat capacity
(b) Specific heat capacity
(c) Temperature coefficient
(d) Thermal conductivity
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Heat capacity

109 What is the mathematical expression for heat capacity (C_m) in terms of change in heat (\Delta Q) and change in temperature (\Delta T) ?
(a) C_m = \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta T}

(b) C_m = \frac{\Delta T}{\Delta Q}
(c) C_m = \Delta Q × \Delta T
(d) C_m = \Delta Q - \Delta T
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C_m = \frac{\Delta Q}{\Delta T}

110 Which unit is used to express heat capacity in the Standard International System?
(a) Joule per kilogram (J/kg)
(b) Joule per Kelvin (J/K)
(c) Celsius per joule ({}^oC/J)
(d) Kilogram per Kelvin (kg/K)
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Joule per Kelvin (J/K)

111 What symbol is commonly used to represent heat capacity?
(a) Q
(b) H
(c) C_m
(d) T
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112 Heat capacity is also known as:
(a) Thermal volume
(b) Temperature resistance
(c) Thermal inertia
(d) Thermal capacity
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Thermal capacity

Specific Heat Capacity (Specific Heat)

113 What is the term used to describe the quantity of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of a substance by 1 \ {}^oC \ or \ 1 K ?
(a) Heat capacity
(b) Specific heat capacity
(c) Heat resistance
(d) Thermal conductivity
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Specific heat capacity

114 What is the symbol used to represent specific heat capacity?
(a) Q
(b) c
(c) S
(d) H
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115 Specific heat capacity is also known as:
(a) Temperature coefficient
(b) Thermal conductivity
(c) Heat capacity
(d) Specific heat
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Specific heat

116 What is the mathematical expression for specific heat capacity (c) ?
(a) c = \frac{\Delta Q}{m \Delta T}
(b) c = m \Delta T
(c) c = \frac{Q}{m}
(d) c = \frac{T}{\Delta Q}
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c = \frac{\Delta Q}{m \Delta T}

117 What is the unit of specific heat capacity in the International System of Units (SI)?
(a) Joules per Kelvin (J/K)
(b) Joules per kilogram per Kelvin (J/(kg.K))
(c) Kelvin per Joule (K/J)
(d) Watts per meter per Kelvin (W/(m.K))
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Joules per kilogram per Kelvin (J/(kg.K))

118 What is the specific heat capacity of water?
(a) 100 \ J/kg.K
(b) 500 \ J/kg.K
(c) 1000 \ J/kg.K
(d) 4190 \ J/kg.K
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4190 J/kg.K

Latent Heat and Phase Change

119 What is a phase change in a substance?
(a) A change in temperature
(b) A change in color
(c) A change in physical characteristics from one form to another
(d) A change in chemical composition
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A change in physical characteristics from one form to another

120 When ice melts at 0 \ {}^oC , what is the temperature of the resulting water?
(a) 0 \ {}^oC
(b) 100 \ {}^oC
(c) Above 0 \ {}^oC
(d) Below 0 \ {}^oC
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0 \ {}^oC

121 What is the term used to describe the heat required to change the physical state of a substance without changing its temperature?
(a) Thermal capacity
(b) Thermal conductivity
(c) Latent heat
(d) Specific heat
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Latent heat

122 Latent heat is also known as:
(a) Hidden Heat
(b) Thermal Energy
(c) Sensible Heat
(d) Specific Heat
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Hidden Heat

Latent Heat of Fusion

123 The heat energy required to melt a substance without change in temperature is called:
(a) Specific heat capacity
(b) Latent heat of fusion
(c) Thermal conductivity
(d) Heat capacity
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Latent heat of fusion

124 What happens when liquids solidify (freeze) in terms of heat release?
(a) They release no heat
(b) They release heat equivalent to the latent heat of fusion
(c) They release heat equivalent to the specific heat
(d) They release heat equivalent to their boiling point
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They release heat equivalent to the latent heat of fusion

Specific Latent Heat of Fusion

125 The heat energy required to change unit mass from solid to liquid without a change in temperature is called:
(a) Thermal conductivity
(b) Heat capacity
(c) Specific latent heat of fusion
(d) Latent heat of fusion
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Specific latent heat of fusion

126 What is the formula to calculate the heat energy required for a phase change using specific latent heat of fusion (L_f) ?
(a) \Delta Q = mL_f
(b) \Delta Q = \frac{m}{\Delta T}
(c) \Delta Q = m \Delta T
(d) \Delta Q = L_f \Delta T
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\Delta Q = mL_f

127 What is the symbol used to represent specific latent heat of fusion?
(a) L_f
(b) Q
(c) H
(d) S
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128 What is the SI unit of specific latent heat of fusion?
(a) Joule per Kelvin (J/K)
(b) Joule per meter (J/m)
(c) Joule per kilogram (J/kg)
(d) Joule per second (J/s)
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Joule per kilogram (J/kg)

Latent Heat of Vaporization

129 The heat energy required to transfer a substance from liquid state to gaseous state without a change in temperature is called:
(a) Specific heat capacity
(b) Latent heat of vaporization
(c) Thermal conductivity
(d) Heat capacity
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Latent heat of vaporization

Specific Latent Heat of Vaporization

130 The heat energy required to change unit mass from liquid to gas without a change in temperature is called:
(a) Thermal conductivity
(b) Heat capacity
(c) Specific latent heat of vaporization
(d) Latent heat of fusion
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Specific latent heat of vaporization

131 What is the formula to calculate the heat energy required for a phase change using specific latent heat of vaporization (L_v) ?
(a) \Delta Q = mL_v
(b) \Delta Q = \frac{m}{\Delta T}
(c) \Delta Q = m \Delta T
(d) \Delta Q = L_f \Delta T
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\Delta Q = mL_v

132 What is the symbol used to represent specific latent heat of vaporization?
(a) L_v
(b) Q
(c) H
(d) S
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133 What is the SI unit of specific latent heat of vaporization?
(a) Joule per Kelvin (J/K)
(b) Joule per meter (J/m)
(c) Joule per kilogram (J/kg)
(d) Joule per second (J/s)
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Joule per kilogram (J/kg)

134 Which phase change involves the direct transition from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state?
(a) Freezing
(b) Melting
(c) Sublimation
(d) Condensation
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135 The latent heat of fusion for a given substance is ___________ the latent heat of vaporization for the same substance.
(a) Greater than
(b) Less than
(c) Equal to
(d) Unrelated to
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Greater than

136 What is the process called when a solid changes into a liquid?
(a) Sublimation
(b) Condensation
(c) Freezing
(d) Melting
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Evaporation of Liquids

137 When a liquid changes into a gas, it is known as:
(a) Melting
(b) Freezing
(c) Evaporation
(d) Condensation
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138 The process in which a gas changes into a liquid is called:
(a) Sublimation
(b) Condensation
(c) Freezing
(d) Melting
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139 What is the term for the change of state from a liquid to a solid?
(a) Boiling
(b) Condensation
(c) Freezing
(d) Sublimation
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140 Which factor affects the rate of evaporation by providing kinetic energy to liquid molecules?
(a) Nature of liquid
(b) Temperature of surrounding
(c) Temperature of the liquid
(d) Area of the exposed surface
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Temperature of the liquid

141 In which season do wet clothes dry more slowly due to the presence of high water vapor in the air?
(a) Autumn
(b) Summer
(c) Rainy season
(d) Spring
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Rainy season

142 Why do wet roads dry out quickly?
(a) Due to the low temperature
(b) Due to low air pressure
(c) Due to increased surface area
(d) Due to the absence of wind
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Due to increased surface area

143 What factor affects the rate of evaporation by reducing the presence of water vapor in the air?
(a) Dryness of the air
(b) Nature of liquid
(c) Movement of air
(d) Temperature of the surrounding
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Dryness of the air

144 On a windy day, what happens to the rate of evaporation?
(a) It decreases
(b) It remains the same
(c) It increases
(d) It depends on other factors
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It increases

145 Which factor primarily depends on the liquid’s boiling point?
(a) Temperature of the liquid
(b) Nature of liquid
(c) Movement of air
(d) Area of the exposed surface
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Nature of liquid

146 What role does the temperature of the surrounding play in evaporation?
(a) It has no effect on evaporation
(b) It increases the air pressure
(c) It provides kinetic energy to liquid molecules
(d) It decreases the rate of evaporation
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It provides kinetic energy to liquid molecules

147 How does the presence of water vapor in the air affect evaporation?
(a) It increases the rate of evaporation
(b) It has no effect on evaporation
(c) It decreases the rate of evaporation
(d) It depends on the temperature
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It decreases the rate of evaporation

Evaporation causes Cooling

148 What causes the cooling effect when a liquid evaporates?
(a) Increased kinetic energy of molecules
(b) Heat absorbed by the liquid
(c) Molecules taking heat energy with them
(d) Increased temperature of the liquid
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Molecules taking heat energy with them

149 Which substance evaporates more quickly, water or spirit?
(a) Water
(b) Spirit
(c) They evaporate at the same rate
(d) Depends on temperature
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150 Why does your palm feel cold when spirit is spilled on it and quickly evaporates?
(a) The spirit is cold by nature
(b) Your palm generates cold when in contact with spirit
(c) Evaporation of spirit causes cooling
(d) The spirit takes in heat from your palm
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Evaporation of spirit causes cooling

151 How does the cooling effect of evaporation help maintain a stable body temperature in humans?
(a) By increasing body temperature
(b) By preventing perspiration
(c) By lowering body temperature through sweat evaporation
(d) By slowing down metabolic processes
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By lowering body temperature through sweat evaporation

152 According to the kinetic theory, what happens to the temperature of a liquid when more energetic molecules escape through evaporation?
(a) The temperature increases
(b) The temperature remains the same
(c) The temperature decreases
(d) It depends on the liquid
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The temperature decreases

153 Which statement is true regarding the cooling effect of evaporation?
(a) Evaporation warms the surface left behind
(b) Evaporation cools the surface left behind
(c) Evaporation is unrelated to temperature changes
(d) Evaporation only occurs at high temperatures
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Evaporation cools the surface left behind

154 Why does perspiration help cool the human body?
(a) It releases heat into the body
(b) It contains cold substances
(c) It prevents body temperature from changing
(d) It cools the body through evaporation
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It cools the body through evaporation

Applications of Cooling by Evaporation

Cooling by Fans

155 Why do fans provide a cooling sensation in hot weather?
(a) Fans lower the room temperature
(b) Fans increase the rate of boiling
(c) Fans accelerate the rate of evaporation, which cools the body
(d) Fans increase humidity levels
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Fans accelerate the rate of evaporation, which cools the body

Fever Control

156 How does placing a wet towel on the forehead help control fever?
(a) It lowers room temperature
(b) It absorbs heat from the environment
(c) It increases body temperature
(d) It utilizes the cooling effect of evaporation to lower the head’s temperature
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It utilizes the cooling effect of evaporation to lower the head’s temperature


157 Which part of a refrigerator is responsible for the cooling effect through evaporation?
(a) Evaporator
(b) Refrigerant
(c) Expansion valve
(d) None of these
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158 What environmental concern is associated with the use of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) chemicals as refrigerants in old refrigerators?
(a) CFCs contribute to global warming
(b) CFCs release harmful odors
(c) CFCs can damage the ozone layer
(d) CFCs are explosive
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CFCs can damage the ozone layer

159 What is the purpose of the compressor in a refrigerator?
(a) To evaporate the refrigerant
(b) To condense the refrigerant
(c) To maintain room temperature
(d) To compress the refrigerant, raising its temperature
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To compress the refrigerant, raising its temperature

160 What kind of refrigerant is being used in modern refrigerators to address environmental concerns?
(a) Hydro fluorocarbon (HFC)
(b) Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
(c) Carbon dioxide (CO_2)
(d) Methane (CH_4)
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Hydro fluorocarbon (HFC)

Physics Class 9 MCQs (All Chapters)

Jawad Khan

Jawad Khan

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