
Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 4

Updated: 14 Dec 2023


Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 4 introduces the concept of “Hydrocarbons”. This is mainly chapter No. 12, “Hydrocarbons”, of the book of Class 10.
This article consists of Notes, SLO Based Notes and MCQs of chemistry, which cover your course, board papers and clear your chemistry concept for different types of tests.

Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 4 Notes



Chemistry Class 10 Chapter No. 12 Notes

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Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 4 MCQs

1. Hydrocarbons are the simplest type of _________________ compounds.
(a) Organic
(b) Covalent
(c) Inorganic
(d) All of these
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2. Hydrocarbons are composed entirely of _________atoms.
(a) C,N
(b) C, H
(c) C, O
(d) C, S
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C, H

3. Diesel, gasoline, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are common examples of _____________.
(a) Hydrocarbons
(b) Amines
(c) Electrovalent
(d) None of these
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4. Scientists classify hydrocarbons as ________________and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
(a) Super saturated
(b) Saturated
(c) Unsaturated
(d) All of these
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5. Saturated hydrocarbons are called________________.
(a) Alkynes
(b) Alkenes
(c) Alkanes
(d) Butane
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6. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are called______________.
(a) Alkynes
(b) Alkenes
(c) Alkanes
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

7. As hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen, therefore they are ________________compounds.
(a) Non-polar
(b) Polar
(c) Weakly polar
(d) None of these
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8. In hydrocarbons, the atoms are _______________bonded.
(a) Electrovalently
(b) Metallically
(c) covalently
(d) None of these
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9. An alkane is a hydrocarbon that has only ______________bonds.
(a) Double
(b) single
(c) Triple
(d) None of these
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10. Alkanes are also known as _____________hydrocarbons.
(a) Saturated
(b) Unsaturated
(c) Super-saturated
(d) None of these
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11. Alkanesdonot contain_______________.
(a) Open chains
(b) rings
(c) Substituents
(d) None of these
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12. Alkanes have the general formula ______________where “n” is the number of carbon atoms.
(a) C_nH_{2n}
(b) C_nH_{2n-2}
(c) C_nH_{2n+2}
(d) None of these
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13. An alkane in shape of ring is called______________________.
(a) Cyclo alkane
(b) Alkane
(c) Straight chain alkane
(d) None of these
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Cyclo alkane

14. The general formula of cycloalkane is_______________.
(a) C_nH_{2n}
(b) C_nH_{2n+2}
(c) C_nH_{2n-2}
(d) None of these
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15. In alkanes and cycloalkanes, all four bonds are ______________covalent bonds.
(a) Triple
(b) Double
(c) single
(d) None of these
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16. Alkanes and cycloalkanes are _______________.
(a) Highly reactive
(b) Less reactive
(c) Moderate
(d) None of these
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Less reactive

17. Alkanes are also called as _____________.
(a) Paraffin’s
(b) Olefins
(c) Monoffins
(d) None of these
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18. Alkanes and cycloalkanes from a series of compounds known as _____________.
(a) Functional group
(b) Homologus series
(c) Family
(d) None of these
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Homologus series

19. The molecular formula of methane is ______________.
(a) CH_4
(b) C_2H_6
(c) C_3H_8
(d) None of these
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20. The molecular formula of ethane is _____________.
(a) CH_4
(b) C_2H_6
(c) C_3H_8
(d) C_4H_{10}
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21. The condensed formula of ethane is______________________.
(a) CH_3CH_3
(b) CH_4
(c) CH_3CH_2CH_3
(d) None of these
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22. C_3H_8 is the molecular formula of _________________.
(a) Pentane
(b) Butane
(c) propane
(d) Ethane
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23. The condensed formula for propane is_____________________.
(a) CH_4
(b) CH_3CH_2CH_3
(c) CH_3CH_3
(d) None of these
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24. The molecular formula of butane is ______________.
(a) CH_4
(b) C_2H_6
(c) C_3H_8
(d) C_4H_{10}
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25. C_5H_{12} is the molecular formula of _______________.
(a) Pentane
(b) Butane
(c) Heptane
(d) Hexane
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26. The naming of organic compounds before 1947 was based on the _____________.
(a) Greek system
(b) Common system
(c) Albanian System
(d) None of these
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Common system

27. “Each different compound should have a different name”. This was the main principle of ___________.
(c) CFT
(d) MOT
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28. The rules for naming an organic compound is________________.
(a) Hybridization
(b) Electrophoresis
(c) Nomenclature
(d) None of these
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29. These alkanes and cycloalkanes can be prepared by_______________.
(a) Addition of alkenes
(b) Addition of alkynes
(c) Reduction from alkyl halides
(d) All of these
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All of these

30. The reaction in which an atom or group of atoms are added to a compound that has a double or triple bond is called an ___________reaction.
(a) Addition
(b) Oxidation
(c) Halogenation
(d) None of these
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31. Hydrogenation means addition of _________to alkene or alkyne
(a) Carbon
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Oxygen
(d) None of tehse
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32. In Hydrogenation, the unsaturated hydrocarbons are converted to ____________ hydrocarbons.
(a) Saturated
(b) Stable
(c) Reactive
(d) Non-reactive
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33. Hydrogenation takes place in the presence of nickel catalyst at _____________temperature.
(a) 500-750 {}^oC
(b) 250-300 {}^oC
(c) 950-1000 {}^oC
(d) None of these
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250-300 {}^oC

34. Hydrogenation takes place in the presence of __________catalyst at room temperature.
(a) Nickel
(b) Palladium
(c) Platinum
(d) None of these
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35. CH_2=CH_2 + H – H \underset{{ 250 - 300 {}^oC }}{\stackrel{ { Ni }}{\longrightarrow}} _______________.
(a) CH_3—CH_3
(b) CH_4
(c) CH_4—CH_2
(d) CH_3—CH_2—CH_3
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36. Reduction means addition of __________________.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Carbon
(d) None of these
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37. Reduction of alkyl halides occur in the presence of ________ and Hydrochloric acid (HCl) .
(a) Osmium
(b) Ncikel
(c) Zinc dust
(d) All of these
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Zinc dust

38. CH_3—I + 2[H] \longrightarrow CH_3—H + H—I .
What are the reagents used in this reaction.
(a) Zn / HCl
(b) Ni / Pt
(c) Pt / Pb
(d) Ni/ pb
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Zn / HCl

39. The hydrogen at a time of its generation is called _____________hydrogen.
(a) Atomic
(b) Nascent
(c) Molecular
(d) None of these
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40. Which of the following member of alkane is a gas?
(a) hexane
(b) Heptane
(c) Propane
(d) Nonane
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41. The first four members of alkanes are __________________.
(a) gases
(b) Liquid
(c) Solid
(d) None of these
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42. C_5 \ to \ C_{17} are colorless _______________alkanes.
(a) Gaseous
(b) Liquid
(c) Solid
(d) None of these
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43. Higher alkanes then C_{17} are colourless ___________.
(a) Gases
(b) Liquids
(c) Solids
(d) None of these
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44. Those alkanes and cycloalkanes are ________________.
(a) Non-polar
(b) Polar
(c) Weakly-polar
(d) None of these
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45. Alkanes will be ____________in water.
(a) Soluble
(b) insoluble
(c) Weakly soluble
(d) Non-soluble
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46. But alkanes will be __________in non-polar organic solvents like benzene, ether, acetone etc.
(a) Soluble
(b) Insoluble
(c) Weakly soluble
(d) None of these
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47. Alkanes have low ____________point.
(a) Melting
(b) Boiling
(c) Freezing
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

48. The melting and boiling points of alkane’s __________ regularly in the series with increase in molecular sizes.
(a) Decreases
(b) increases
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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49. The density of alkane’s ________regularly in the series with increase in molecular mass.
(a) increases
(b) Constant
(c) Decreases
(d) Remain Same
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50. Alkanes become more _____________as their molecular sizes increase.
(a) Thiner
(b) strict
(c) viscous
(d) None of these
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51. Alkanes are _______________.
(a) Lustrous
(b) Flammable
(c) Vigorous
(d) None of these
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52. A _________reaction is a reaction in which, an atom or a functional group is replaced by a different functional group.
(a) substitution
(b) Addition
(c) Displacement
(d) None of these
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53. ________________also undergoes substitution reaction.
(a) Transitions
(b) alkanes
(c) Alkali metals
(d) None of these
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54. The substitution of hydrogen by halogen such as chlorine and bromine is called______________.
(a) Hydrogenation
(b) Addition
(c) Halogenation
(d) None of these
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55. Alkanes react with halogen in presence of __________light and produce alkyl halide and hydrogen halide.
(a) Ultra violet
(b) Infrared
(c) Visible
(d) None of these
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Ultra violet

56. When methane reacts with chlorine in diffused sunlight, it will produce ____________chloride.
(a) Butyl
(b) Propyl
(c) Ethyl
(d) methyl
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57. Combustion reaction is a class of chemical reactions, which is commonly referred as ________________.
(a) Cutting
(b) Burning
(c) Hammering
(d) None of these
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58. The combustion reaction is highly __________________.
(a) exothermic
(b) Constant
(c) Endothermic
(d) None of these
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59. Alkanes burn completely in the presence of excess of air (oxygen) to produce a lot of heat, carbon dioxide (CO_2) and ___________________.
(a) Hydrogen gas
(b) water
(c) Fog
(d) None of these
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60. Exothermic reaction is the chemical reaction in which reaction proceeds and the energy will be_________.
(a) released
(b) Gained
(c) Effect the reaction
(d) None of these
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61. The energy released in exothermic reaction will be in the form of ___________________.
(a) Heat
(b) Light
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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Both a and b

62. Alkenes are _________________hydrocarbons.
(a) Saturated
(b) unsaturated
(c) Super-saturated
(d) None of these
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63. Alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon – carbon ________bond.
(a) Single
(b) double
(c) Triple
(d) Quadruple
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64. Alkenes are also called ________________.
(a) Olefins
(b) Paraffins
(c) Homoffins
(d) None of these
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65. Olefins is a ________________word which means “oil farming”.
(a) Greek
(b) Latin
(c) Persian
(d) Arabic
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66. The general formula for alkene is ___________.
(a) C_nH_{2n+2}
(b) C_nH_{2n}
(c) C_n(H_2O)_n
(d) None of these
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67. The double bonds in alkene make them ______________than alkanes.
(a) More reactive
(b) Less reactive
(c) Un reactive
(d) None of these
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More reactive

68. The functional group of alkene is _________________.
(a) Single bond
(b) Double bond
(c) Triple bond
(d) None of these
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Double bond

69. The simplest alkene is _______________.
(a) Ethene
(b) Propene
(c) Butane
(d) Pentene
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70. The molecular formula of ethane is _______________.
(a) C_5H_{10}
(b) C_4H_8
(c) C_3H_6
(d) C_2H_4
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71. The condensed formula for ethene is ___________.
(a) CH_2=CHCH_{3}
(b) CH_2=CH_2
(c) CH_2=CHCH_2CH_3
(d) None of these
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72. C_4H_3—C_3H_2—C_2H= CH_2 ,
What is the name of the above alkene?

(a) 4-butene
(b) 3-butene
(c) 2-butene
(d) 1-butene
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73. The Condensed formula of ethane is _________________.
(a) CH_2=CHCH_{3}
(b) CH_2=CH_2
(c) CH_2=CHCH_2CH_3
(d) None of these
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74. In an ____________reaction, the atoms are removed from a molecule to form a double or triple bond.
(a) Addition
(b) Elimination
(c) Condensation
(d) None of these
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75. Elimination reaction is the opposite of an ______________reaction.
(a) Addition
(b) Oxidation
(c) Displacement
(d) None of these
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76. Alkenes are prepared from a __________organic compound by an elimination reaction.
(a) Super-saturated
(b) Unsaturated
(c) saturated
(d) None of these
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77. In preparation of alkene, atom or group of atoms are __________from two adjacent carbon atoms of the saturated organic compound to produce double bond.
(a) removed
(b) Added
(c) Botha a and b
(d) None of these
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78. Dehydration of alcohols means removal of water form __________________.
(a) Chloroform
(b) Glucose
(c) Alcohol
(d) None of these
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79. The C_5H_{10} is the molecular formula of _____________.
(a) Butane
(b) pentene
(c) Hexane
(d) Heptane
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80. Ethene is prepared from dehydrating _______.
(a) Ethyl alcohol
(b) Chloroform
(c) Acetone
(d) None of these
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Ethyl alcohol

81. The dehydration of ethanol is carried out in the presence of concentrated _________at 180^o .
(a) H_2SO_4
(b) HCl
(c) CCl_4
(d) C_6H_6OH
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82. In dehydration of ethanol, the sulphuric acid acts as _______________agent.
(a) Oxidizing
(b) Reducing
(c) Dehydrating
(d) None of these
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83. Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides means ____________of hydrogen and halogen from adjacent carbon atoms.
(a) Addition
(b) Removal
(c) Concentration
(d) None of these
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84. Ethene is prepared from dehydrohalogenation of ________________.
(a) Chloroethane
(b) Chloroethyne
(c) Chloroethene
(d) None of these
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85. The first ____________members of alkenes are gases.
(a) Two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
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86. Except the first three members of alkenes, others are liquids and the higher alkenes are liquids and the higher alkenes are _______________.
(a) Gases
(b) Liquids
(c) solids
(d) Plasma
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87. Alkenes are __________hydrocarbons.
(a) Non-polar
(b) Polar
(c) Weakly-polar
(d) None of these
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88. Alkenes are insoluble in _________.
(a) Benzene
(b) Acetone
(c) Chloroform
(d) water
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89. The melting and boiling points gradually _____________with increase in molecular mass of alkenes.
(a) Decrease
(b) increase
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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90. The density of alkenes also increase with ________________in molecular mass.
(a) Decrease
(b) Increase
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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91. Addition of hydrogen halides means addition of hydrogen and ___________.
(a) Fluorine
(b) Chlorine
(c) Bromine & Iodine
(d) All of them
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All of them

92. The order of reacting of alkenes with hydrogen halides is
(a) HI > HBr > HCl
(b) HCl > HBr > HI
(c) HBr > HCl > HI
(d) HI > HCl > HBr
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93. When hydrogen (H_2) is added to ethene , the double bond is converted into single bond and produces ethane. The process is called_______________.
(a) Hydrogenation
(b) Sulphonation
(c) Chlorination
(d) None of these
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94. The hydrogenation of alkenes readily occurs in the presence of _________catalyst at 250—300 {}^oC .
(a) Zinc
(b) Platinium
(c) Nickel
(d) Mercury
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95. Hydrogenation is an ______________process.
(a) Endothermic

(b) Exothermic
(c) Aeration
(d) None of these
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96. Hydrogenation of unsaturated organic compound is industrially used for the conversion of _________into ghee.
(a) Vegetable oil
(b) Mustard oil
(c) Soyabean oil
(d) None of these
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Vegetable oil

97. CH_2=CH_2 + H_2 \underset{{ 250 - 300 {}^oC }}{\stackrel{ { Ni }}{\longrightarrow}} _______________.
(a) CH4
(b) C2H6
(c) C2H4
(d) C2H2
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98. ________are alcohols which contain two hydroxyl group on two adjacent carbons.
(a) Fats
(b) Waxes
(c) Glycols
(d) Triglycerides
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99. Alkenes react with acidified aqueous solution of _____________to decolourize its purple colour.
(a) KMnO_4
(b) CH_3OH
(c) C_6H_6
(d) C_6H_{12}O_6
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100. ________is a plant hormone that triggers fruit ripening.
(a) Ethane
(b) Ethene
(c) Ethyne
(d) None of these
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101. Alkynes are unsaturated _____________.
(a) Inorganic compounds
(b) Nitrates
(c) Hydrocarbons
(d) None of these
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102. Alkynes contain at least one carbon-carbon___________bond.
(a) Triple
(b) Double
(c) Single
(d) None of these
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103. Alkynes have two hydrogen atoms _________ the alkenes.
(a) More than
(b) Less than
(c) Equal to
(d) None of these
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Less than

104. The general formula for alkynes are ______________.
(a) C_nH_{2n+2}
(b) C_nH_{2n}
(c) C_2H_{2n-2}
(d) None of these
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105. Ethyne, propyne, butyneetc are the examples of ___________.
(a) Alkynes
(b) Alkenes
(c) Alkanes
(d) None of these
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106. The simplest alkyne is ethyne having the general formula is _________.
(a) CH_2
(b) C_2H_2
(c) C_2H_4
(d) C_2H_6
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107. The combustion of ethyne when it is mixed with pure oxygen produces large amount of heat used for _______.
(a) Welding
(b) Cutting
(c) Mixing
(d) Stabilizing
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108. The condensed formula for ethyne is ____________.
(a) CH \equiv CH
(b) CH \equiv C—CH_3
(c) CH \equiv C—CH_2—CH_3
(d) None of these
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CH \equiv CH

109. The molecular formula for propyne is _______________.
(a) C_3H_4
(b) C_3H_6
(c) C_3H_8
(d) C_3H_7
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110. The condensed formula for propyne is _____________.
(a) CH \equiv CH
(b) CH \equiv C—CH_3
(c) CH_3—CH_2—CH_3
(d) None of these
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CH \equiv C—CH_3

111. The molecular formula for butyne is ___________.
(a) C_2H_2
(b) C_3H_4
(c) C_4H_6
(d) C_5H_5
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112. Alkynes are prepared form saturated organic compounds by an _____________reaction.
(a) Addition
(b) Detoxification
(c) Elimination
(d) None of these
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113. The first _________members of alkynes are gases.
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3
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114. Except the first three members fo alkynes, others are liquids and higher alkynes are ________.
(a) Solids
(b) Liquids
(c) Gases
(d) None of these
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115. Alkynes are _____________, therefore they are insoluble in water.
(a) Polar
(b) Weakly-polar
(c) Non-polar
(d) None of these
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116. Alkynes are __________in organic solvents like ether, acetone.
(a) Insoluble
(b) Soluble
(c) Semi-soluble
(d) None of these
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117. On complete combustion, alkynes produce ______________.
(a) CO_2
(b) H_2O
(c) Energy
(d) All of them
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All of them

118. The melting and boiling points and density __________with increase in molecular weight of alkynes.
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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119. Which one of the following is a substitution reaction.
(a) Halogenation of alkynes
(b) Halogenation of alkenes
(c) Halogenation of alkanes
(d) Oxidation of alkene
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Halogenation of alkanes

120. When ethene reacts with HBr, the compound formed is
(a) CH_3—CH_2 –Br
(b) Br—CH_2—CH_2—Br
(c) CH_3—CH_2—CH_8
(d) CH \equiv CH
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CH_3—CH_2 –Br

121. Halogenation of methane in the presence of diffused sunlight occurs
(a) Quickly, only in one step
(b) Slowly, only in one step
(c) In a series of four steps
(d) Quickly, in two step
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In a series of four steps

122. Dehydrohalogenation of alkylhalide is
(a) Removal of hydrogen
(b) Removal of halogen
(c) Removal of hydrogen and halogen
(d) Addition of hydrogen and halogen
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Removal of hydrogen and halogen

123. Which one of the following decolourises Br2 water.
(a) Ethane
(b) Ethene
(c) Propane
(d) Methane
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124. The general formula of alkane is
(a) C_nH_{2n}
(b) C_nH_{2n \times 2}
(c) C_nH_{2n+2}
(d) C_nH_{2n-2}
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125. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol with conc. H_2SO_4 results in the formation of
(a) Ethane
(b) Methane
(c) Ethyne
(d) Ethene
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126. Substitution reaction is the characteristic of
(a) Alkynes
(b) Alkenes
(c) Alkanes
(d) None of these
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127. Which one is the least reactive,
(a) Ethyne
(b) Propane
(c) Ethene
(d) Ethane
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128. The order of reactivity of hydrogen halides with alkienes is
(a) Hl > HCl > HBr
(b) HI < HBr < HCl
(c) HCl > HBr > HI
(d) HI > HBr > HCl
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HI > HBr > HCl

Chemistry Class 10 MCQs (All Chapters)

Jawad Khan

Jawad Khan

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