
Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 7

Updated: 15 Dec 2023


Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 7 introduces the concept of “Environmental Chemistry II: Water”. This is mainly chapter No. 15, “Environmental Chemistry II: Water”, of the book of Class 10.
This article consists of Notes, SLO Based Notes and MCQs of chemistry, which cover your course, board papers and clear your chemistry concept for different types of tests.

Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 7 Notes

Environmental Chemistry II: Water


Chemistry Class 10 Chapter No. 15 Notes

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SLO Base Questions


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Chemistry Class 10 Chapter 7 MCQs

1. The most important liquid on earth is _____________.
(a) Water
(b) Alcohol
(c) Vinegar
(d) None of these
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2. Water plays an important role in _________life on earth.
(a) Damaging
(b) Erasing
(c) Sustaining
(d) Maintaining
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3. Water is a ___________liquid which makes up the streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and oceans on earth.
(a) Opaque
(b) transparent
(c) Colored
(d) None of these
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4. Water in oceans is mainly found in ________form which is not fit for drinking purposes.
(a) Saline
(b) Distilled
(c) Ionized
(d) All of these
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5. The human body is composed of ________ water by mass.
(a) 60 -65 \%
(b) 65 – 70 \%
(c) 70 – 75 \%
(d) 75 – 80 \%
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65 – 70 \%

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6. Human blood plasma is composed of ______of water.
(a) 50 \%
(b) 73 \%
(c) 92 \%
(d) 81 %
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92 \%

7. Water is _________solvent and it is present in nature in impure form.
(a) Universal
(b) Benign
(c) Global
(d) None of these
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8. It has been estimated that total amount of water present on the earth is 1.33 _______ cubic kilometers.
(a) Trillion
(b) billion
(c) Million
(d) None of these
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9. The water covers about ____________of the earth’s surface.
(a) 50 \%
(b) 60 \%
(c) 70 \%
(d) 90 \%
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70 \%

10. The_________ contains more than 97% of water.
(a) Ocean
(b) Streams
(c) Wells
(d) None of these
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11. The fresh water needed for human requirements is only ____________ of the total.
(a) 10 \%
(b) 0.2 \%
(c) 5 \%
(d) 0.5 \%
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0.2 \%

12. The other 2.14% of water is present in the form of ___________.
(a) Ice-caps
(b) Glaciers
(c) Initial water
(d) All of these
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All of these

13. ________is the only planet in solar system that contains water.
(a) Earth
(b) Neptune
(c) Jupiter
(d) Mercury
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14. Modern research has also revealed that living things consists of ________of water.
(a) 50 – 80 \%
(b) 95 – 99 \%
(c) 83 – 95 \%
(d) 80- 99 \%
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50 – 80 \%

15. The reactions which takes place in our body occurs in the presence of __________.
(a) Alcohol
(b) water
(c) Chloroform
(d) Vinegar
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16. Water ________the temperature of earth.
(a) Regulates
(b) Increase
(c) Decrease
(d) Constant
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17. ____________is a universal solvent, as many substances dissolve in it.
(a) n-hexane
(b) Chloroform
(c) water
(d) Alcohol
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18. Water is also used to generate ___________.
(a) Electricity
(b) Food
(c) Power
(d) All of them
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All of them

19. Before 1776, water was considered as an ___________.
(a) element
(b) Isotope
(c) Compound
(d) Mixture
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20. It was __________who experimentally proved that water is not an element but is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen.
(a) Matt Henry
(b) Henry Cavendish
(c) Max peter
(d) Neil Bohr
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Henry Cavendish

21. Joseph Proust experimentally proved that hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water in the ratio of _____by mass.
(a) 1 : 8
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 1 : 4
(d) 1 : 16
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1 : 8

22. Pure water is a ____________ liquid.
(a) Colorless
(b) Odorless
(c) Tasteless
(d) All of them
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23. The taste of water is due to dissolved __________ and gases.
(a) Acids
(b) Salts
(c) Bases
(d) None of these
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24. Water exists in _____________state.
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) All of them
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All of them

25. The freezing point of water is _____________.
(a) 0 {}^o C
(b) 25 {}^o C
(c) 5 {}^o C
(d) 3 {}^o C
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0 {}^o C

26. The boiling point of water is _____________.
(a) 69 {}^o C
(b) 85 {}^o C
(c) 100 {}^o C
(d) 150 {}^o C
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100 {}^o C

27. Pure water is _____ to litmus. It does not change the colour of the litmus.
(a) Acidic
(b) Neutral
(c) Basic
(d) None of these
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28. Water is a _______molecule.
(a) Polar
(b) Non-polar
(c) Semi-Polar
(d) None of these
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29. Pure water has density of _________ g/cm^3 \ at \ 4 {}^o C .
(a) 10
(b) 1
(c) 100
(d) 1000
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30. Water has ______________surface tension.
(a) Low
(b) Intermediate
(c) High
(d) Medium
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31. Water is thermally ________ compound.
(a) Stable
(b) Unstable
(c) Non-polar
(d) Polar
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32. Complete the reaction.
2H_2O \quad \underrightarrow{2000{}^o C} \quad __________?
(a) 2H_2 + O_2
(b) H_2 + 2O_2
(c) 2H + C_2
(d) None of these
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2H_2 + O_2

33. Water reacts with metallic oxide forming ___________.
(a) Acids
(b) Bases
(c) Salts
(d) None of these
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34. Water reacts with non-metallic to form ______________.
(a) Acids
(b) Bases
(c) Salts
(d) All of these
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35. The reaction in which H-OH bund of water molecule is broken down by the action of self with water is called _____________ reaction.
(a) Reduction
(b) Oxidation
(c) Hydrolysis
(d) None Of these
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36. Water is a _____________ solvent.
(a) Universal
(b) Coagulant
(c) Earthy
(d) None Of these
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37. In water molecule, the hydrogen is partially positive while oxygen is partially negative due to ___________ difference.
(a) Electron affinity
(b) Electronegativity
(c) Ionization energy
(d) None Of these
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38. The H_2O molecule are arranged in a ____________ manner.
(a) Tetrahedral
(b) Torsional
(c) Planner
(d) None Of these
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39. Dielectric constant is based on the __________.
(a) Ohm’s law
(b) Coulomb’s law
(c) Law of proportion
(d) None Of these
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Coulomb’s law

40 Water has high dielectric constant of 80 at ________.
(a) 18 {}^o C
(b) 28 {}^o C
(c) 15 {}^o C
(d) None Of these
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18 {}^o C

41. ___________ is that water, which easily produce good lather and dose not scum with soap.
(a) Hard water
(b) Distilled water
(c) Soft water
(d) None Of these
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Soft water

42. ________________ is that water, which produce little lather and from scum with soap.
(a) Hard water
(b) Distilled water
(c) Soft water
(d) None Of these
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Hard water

43. Water becomes hard when dissolves________ from soil is.
(a) Gypsum
(b) Limestone
(c) A and B
(d) None Of these
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A and B

44. How many types of hard water?
(a) 7
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 2
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45. The temporary hardness of water is due to dissolved calcium bicarbonate and _________ bicarbonate.
(a) Magnesium
(b) Sulphur
(c) Silver
(d) None Of these
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46. The permanent hardness of water is due to the presence of ___________.
(a) MgCl_2
(b) MgCO_3
(c) CaC1_2
(d) All of them
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All of them

47. Temporary hardness of water can be easily removed by simply __________.
(a) Washing soda
(b) Boiling of water
(c) In exchange method
(d) None Of these
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Boiling of water

48. Clark’s method is used to remove the temporary hardness of water on a _________ scale.
(a) Large
(b) Domestic
(c) Small
(d) None Of these
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49. Clark’s method is a __________ method.
(a) Physical
(b) Geometrical
(c) Chemical
(d) None Of these
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50. The permanent hardness of water can only be removed by using chemical, which convert soluble salts into insoluble salts on _________.
(a) Precipitation
(b) Filtration
(c) Ultra sonication
(d) None Of these
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51. The permanent hardness of water can be removed by using ___________.
(a) Baking soda
(b) Washing soda
(c) Salts
(d) None Of these
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Washing soda

52. ___________ is an ion-exchange resin which is integral part in water treatment processes.
(a) Zeolite
(b) Silicate
(c) Ammonical liquor
(d) None Of these
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53. The ion-exchange zeolite is commonly known as ____________ zeolite.
(a) Calcium
(b) Sodium
(c) Aluminum
(d) None Of these
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54. Sodium zeolite can be used as a _________.
(a) Catalyst
(b) Drying agent
(c) Absorbent
(d) All of them
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All of them

55. Soaps are the sodium salts of __________.
(a) Fatty acid
(b) Esters
(c) Alcohols
(d) All of these
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Fatty acid

56. When soap is added to hard water, it is ionized into _______ion and stearate ion.
(a) Calcium
(b) Zinc
(c) Sodium
(d) Hydrogen
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57. ______consumes large amount of soap in washing process.
(a) Soft water
(b) Hard water
(c) Both
(d) None of these
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Hard water

58. Hard water is __________ for steam engines and boilers.
(a) Unfit
(b) Useful
(c) Both
(d) None of these
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59. Use of hard water for drinking purpose for a long period of time causes __________.
(a) Dysentery
(b) Intestinal disease
(c) Stomach disease
(d) All of them
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All of them

60. The introduction of the substances which are undesirable and cause contamination of environment is called.
(a) Global warming
(b) Pollution
(c) Ozone depletion
(d) None of them
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61. When Undesirable foreign substances are introduced into natural water is called ______ pollution.
(a) Water
(b) Land
(c) Air
(d) None of these
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62. About ________ of earth’s surface is covered with water.
(a) 50%
(b) 70%
(c) 95%
(d) 80%
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63. Water can dissolve vast variety of substances, therefore, it is called ________ solvent.
(a) Universal
(b) Holy
(c) Apparent
(d) None of these
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64. The substances that cause water pollution are called __________.
(a) Solvent
(b) Wastes
(c) Pollutants
(d) None of these
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65. The pollutants are dissolved in water from __________.
(a) Soil
(b) Atmosphere
(c) Volcanoes
(d) All of them
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All of them

66. According to reports of W.H.O, about __________of the diseases are caused due to the polluted water.
(a) 80%
(b) 70%
(c) 90%
(d) 60%
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67. The major source of water pollutants are __________wastes.
(a) Industrial
(b) Agricultural
(c) Household
(d) All of them
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All of them

68. Hot water destroys the aquatic life, if the temperature is above ___________.
(a) 30%
(b) 50%
(c) 70%
(d) 90%
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69. When untreated water is used for drinking purposes, it cause ____________.
(a) Typhoid
(b) Cholera
(c) Hepatitis
(d) All of them
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All of them

70. The diseases that spread because of drinking polluted water are called _______ disease.
(a) Airborne
(b) Waterborne
(c) None
(d) All of these
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71. Waterborne diseases are __________.
(a) Bacterial
(b) Parasitic
(c) Viral
(d) All of them
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All of them

Chemistry Class 10 MCQs (All Chapters)

Jawad Khan

Jawad Khan

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