
Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7

Updated: 04 Nov 2023


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7 is about “Electrochemistry”. This article includes the MCQs of Chemistry class 9th chapter 7.

Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7 Notes

Electrochemistry Notes


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7 Notes

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Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 7 MCQs

1. In electrochemistry, we study about _______ changes.
(a) Physical
(b) Chemical
(c) Analytical
(d) Industrial
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2. Electrochemistry is the interconversion of electrical energy and ________energy.
(a) Chemical
(b) Potential
(c) Kinetic
(d) Physical
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3. Electrons are lost in oxidation and gained in reduction, therefore, when oxidation occur in a chemical reaction, reduction must occur__________.
(a) separately
(b) Simultaneously
(c) Formally
(d) All of these
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4. The addition of _____to substance is called oxidation.
(a) Carbon
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Oxygen
(d) Helium
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5. C + O_2 \quad \longrightarrow ?
(a) CO_2
(b) CO + O_2
(c) CO_3
(d) None \ of \ these
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6. The _________ of hydrogen or other electropositive elements from a substance is called oxidation.
(a) Addition
(b) Removal
(c) change
(d) All of these
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7. 2NH_3 + 3Cl_2 \quad \longrightarrow ?
(a) N_2+3H_2+3Cl_2
(b) 2NH_2+4HCl
(c) N_2¬+6HCl
(d) H_2+ SO_4
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8. The removal of ___________from a substance is called oxidation.
(a) Electrons
(b) Proton
(c) Neutrons
(d) None of these
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9. Fe^{+2} \quad \longrightarrow Fe^{+3} + e^- . What process has occurred?
(a) Aeration
(b) Oxidation
(c) Reduction
(d) Induction
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10. The removal of __________from a substance is called reduction.
(a) Carbon
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Oxygen
(d) Nitrogen
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11. 2HgO \quad \longrightarrow 2Hg + O_2 is due to
(a) Catalyst
(b) Heating
(c) Reagent
(d) Melting
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12. The addition of ___________to a substance is called reduction.
(a) Hydrogen
(b) Sulpher
(c) Oxygen
(d) Nitrogen
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13. N_2 + 3H_2 \quad \longrightarrow ?
(a) NH_4 + NH_2
(b) 2NH_2 + H_2
(c) 2NH_3
(d) None \ of \ these
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14. The _________ of electrons to a substance is called reduction.
(a) Protons
(b) electrons
(c) Neutrons
(d) All of these
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15. Sn^{+4} + 2e^- \quad \longrightarrow Sn^{+2}. What has happened in this chemical reaction?
(a) Gain of election
(b) Loss of electrons
(c) Loss of protons
(d) None of these
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Gain of election

16. Those reaction in which gain and loss of electrons takes place simultaneously is called _____ reaction.
(a) Displacement
(b) redox
(c) Cathodic
(d) None of these
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17. _________ \quad \longrightarrow 2NaCl
(a) Na + Cl
(b) 2Na + Cl
(c) 2Na + Cl_2
(d) 5Na + Cl_3
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2Na + Cl_2

18. The apparent charge, positive or negative, on an atom of an element in a molecular or ion is called _________.
(a) Oxidation number
(b) Oxidation state
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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Both a and b

19. Unlike ionic charges, oxidation number do not have an exact ________meaning.
(a) physical
(b) Organic
(c) Biological
(d) Chemical
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20. The _________ of solution changes with change of oxidation state.
(a) Structure
(b) colour
(c) Elegance
(d) None of these
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21. The oxidation number of all elements in free state is:
(a) Zero
(b) Positive
(c) Negative
(d) Neutral
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22. Which of the following has zero oxidation state?
(a) H_2
(b) Cl_2
(c) Na
(d) All \ of \ these
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All of these

23. The oxidation number of __________is the same as the charge on it
(a) Simple ion
(b) Molecular ion
(c) Molecule
(d) Molecular force
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Simple ion

24. The oxidation number of hydrogen in its compound is:
(a) +5
(b) +1
(c) +7
(d) +3
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25. In the exceptional case of metal hydrides, hydrogen has _____________oxidation state.
(a) -5
(b) -1
(c) -7
(d) -3
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26. The oxidation number of oxygen in its compound is:
(a) -2
(b) -3
(c) -4
(d) -5
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27. In case of peroxide, oxygen has _____________ oxidation state.
(a) -4
(b) -3
(c) -2
(d) -1
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28. The oxidation number of each element of group 1 is.
(a) +1
(b) +2
(c) +3
(d) +4
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29. The oxidation state of each element of group 2 is.
(a) +1
(b) +2
(c) +3
(d) +4
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30. The oxidation state of each element of group 3 is :
(a) +1
(b) +2
(c) +3
(d) +4
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31. The oxidation number of each element of halogens in their binary compound is ______________.
(a) +1
(b) -1
(c) +3
(d) -3
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32. In neutral molecules, the algebraic sum of the oxidation number of all the elements is _______________.
(a) Zero
(b) Five
(c) Seven
(d) Nine
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33. In any substance, the more __________ action has the negative oxidation number.
(a) Electropositive
(b) Neutral
(c) electronegative
(d) None of these
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34. An oxidizing agent is a specie that ____________a substance and itself get reduce.
(a) oxidizes
(b) Neutralize
(c) Reduce
(d) None of these
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35. What is the example of oxidizing agent?
(a) KMnO_4
(b) H_2S
(c) Na
(d) Al
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36. An oxidizing agent may be the ________ of oxygen to a substance.
(a) Acceptor
(b) Share
(c) donor
(d) None of these
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37. An oxidizing agent may be the __________of a hydrogen from a substance.
(a) Acceptor
(b) Share
(c) Donor
(d) None of these
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38. An oxidizing agent may be the acceptor of _____from a substance.
(a) Proton
(b) electron
(c) Neutron
(d) None of these
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39. The oxidation number of an oxidizing agent is ________during a redox reaction.
(a) decreased
(b) Constant
(c) Increased
(d) None of these
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40 A specie that reduces a substance and itself gets oxidized is called ____________agent.
(a) Oxidizing
(b) Reducing
(c) Reducing sugars
(d) All of these
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41. Which of the following is a reducing agent?
(a) K_2Cr_2O_7
(b) HNO_3
(c) SO_2
(d) Cl_2
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42. A reducing agent may be the acceptor of ________from a substance.
(a) oxygen
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Carbon
(d) Helium
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43. A reducing agent may be the ______________of hydrogen to a substance.
(a) Acceptor
(b) Share
(c) Donor
(d) None of these
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44. A reducing agent may be the donor of an ______to a substance.
(a) Proton
(b) Electron
(c) Neutron
(d) All of these
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45. The oxidation state of a reducing agent is ________during a redox reaction.
(a) Increased
(b) Constant
(c) Decreased
(d) None of these
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46. Cu^{+2} + Zn^o \quad \longrightarrow Zn^{+2} + Cu^? What will be the oxidation state of copper in products?
(a) 0
(b) +1
(c) -1
(d) +2
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47. A device in which inter conversion of electrical and chemical energies takes place is called __________.
(a) Battery
(b) Electrode
(c) Electrochemical Cell
(d) None of these
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Electrochemical Cell

48. An _________ is a substance in solution or in molten state, which ionizes into positive and negative ions and conducts electricity.
(a) Electrolyte
(b) Battery
(c) Isomer
(d) None of these
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49. Which of the following is the example of electrolyte?
(a) NaCl
(b) HCl
(c) NaOH
(d) All \ of \ them
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All of them

50. Those substances which ionize completely in aqueous solution or in molten state and conduct electric current to a larger extent is called _____________.
(a) Weak electrolyte
(b) Strong electrolyte
(c) Non-electrolyte
(d) None of these
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Strong electrolyte

51. Which of the following is the example of strong electrolyte?
(a) H_2SO_4
(b) NH_4OH
(c) C_6H_6
(d) None \ of \ these
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52. Those substances which ionizes partially in aqueous solution or in molten state and conduct electricity to a very small extent is called_____________.
(a) Strong electrolyte
(b) Weak electrolyte
(c) Non-electrolyte
(d) None of these
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Weak electrolyte

53. Which of the following is the example of weak electrolyte?
(a) Urea
(b) NaCl
(c) CH_3COOH
(d) None \ of \ these
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54. CH_3COOH_{(aq)} \quad \longrightarrow ?
(a) CH_3COO^-_{(aq)} + H^+_{(aq)}
(b) C_2O_2^- + 2 H_2^+
(c) CH_4CO^- + O^+
(d) None \ of \ these
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CH_3COO^-_(aq) + H^+_(aq)

55. Those substances which do not dissociate in aqueous solution or in molten state, therefore donot conduct electricity is called_________________.
(a) Strong electrolyte
(b) Weak electrolyte
(c) Non-electrolyte
(d) All of these
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56. Which of the following is the example of non-electrolyte?
(a) Sugar
(b) Urea
(c) Glucose
(d) All of these
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All of these

57. __________are the conductors i.e. metallic plates, wires or rods, through which electrons enters or leaves the electrolytes in a cell.
(a) Electrodes
(b) Allotropes
(c) Alloys
(d) None of these
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58. How many types of electrodes are there?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
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59. The ____________is the positive electrode at which the anion gather and leaves the electron in the electrolytic cell.
(a) Anode
(b) Electrode
(c) Cathode
(d) None of these
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60 What type of charge is there on anions?
(a) Positive
(b) Neutral
(c) Negative
(d) None of these
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61 The __________ is the negative electrode at which cation gathers and gains the electrons in the electrolytic cell.
(a) Anode
(b) Cathode
(c) Electrode
(d) None of these
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62. What type of charge is there on cations?
(a) Positive
(b) Neutral
(c) Negative
(d) None of these
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63. When electrical energy is required to produce a redox reaction and bring a chemical change in an electrochemical cell is called ____________cell.
(a) Voltaic
(b) Electrolytic
(c) Daniel
(d) None of these
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64. The example of electrolytic cell is ________________.
(a) Down cell
(b) Nelson cell
(c) Daniel cell
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

65. The process of chemical breakdown of an electrolyte in molten or solution form by passing current is called________.
(a) Electrolysis
(b) Catalysis
(c) Chemolysis
(d) analysis
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66. The electrodes are connected to the terminals of the ___________.
(a) Cell
(b) battery
(c) Both a and b
(d) None the these
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67. Pure copper is a good __________of electricity and is used in electrical instruments.
(a) Conductor
(b) Insulator
(c) Non-electrolyte
(d) None of these
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68. Cupper is purified by _________________.
(a) Destructive distillation
(b) electro-refining
(c) Metallurgy
(d) None of these
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69. In electro-refining, cupper is purified by applying _______ temperature and applied voltage of about 0.3 \ volts .
(a) 50^oC
(b) 25^oC
(c) 100^oC
(d) 75^oC
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70. In electro-refining of copper, which reaction occurs at anode?
(a) Reduction
(b) Oxidation
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
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71. In electro-refining of copper, reduction occurs at ____________.
(a) cathode
(b) Anode
(c) Both and b
(d) None of these
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72. By electrolytic refining, upto _____________pure copper is obtained.
(a) 90.3%
(b) 93.5%
(c) 95.9%
(d) 99.9%
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73. The device in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy is called ___________cell.
(a) Electrolytic
(b) Voltaic
(c) Galvanic
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

74. In voltaic cell, which type of reaction occurs?
(a) spontaneous
(b) Non-spontaneous
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
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75. The example of voltaic cell is _____________cell.
(a) Down
(b) Daniel
(c) Nelson
(d) All of these
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76. A galvanic cell consists of two separate containers, each container is called a _____________.
(a) Half cell
(b) Binary cell
(c) Electrode
(d) None of these
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Half cell

77. In each half cell, an electrode is dipped in 1M solution of its own____________.
(a) Acid
(b) Base
(c) Salt
(d) All of them
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78. The two solutions in different containers are connected with bridge called ___________.
(a) Salt bridge
(b) Smudge
(c) Sludge
(d) Clutch
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Salt bridge

79. The salt bridge is a _____________tube.
(a) C-shaped
(b) O-shaped
(c) U-shaped
(d) L-shaped
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80. The U-Shaped tube in voltaic cell is filled with ________________.
(a) Electrolyte gel
(b) Suspension
(c) Allotropes
(d) None of these
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Electrolyte gel

81. The example of electrolytic gel present in the bridge of voltaic cell is _________________.
(a) NaCl
(b) K_2SO_4
(c) H_2SO_4
(d) Cl^-
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82. The net chemical changes obtained by adding the __________half cell reactions are called cell reaction.
(a) 02
(b) 04
(c) 06
(d) 08
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83. A Galvanic cell converts chemical energy into _________energy.
(a) Biological
(b) Kinetic
(c) Potential
(d) electrical
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84. An electrolytic cell converts electrical energy into _________energy.
(a) Kinetic
(b) Chemical
(c) Potential
(d) Heat
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85. In Galvanic cell, the redox reaction is _____________.
(a) Spontaneous
(b) Constant
(c) Non-spontaneous
(d) None of these
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86. In electrolytic cell, the redox reaction is _______________.
(a) spontaneous
(b) Constant
(c) Non-spontaneous
(d) None of these
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87. A group of _______cells joined in series is called battery.
(a) Electrolytic
(b) galvanic
(c) Nelson
(d) None of these
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88. Car batteries consist of __________or more identical voltaic cells connected in series.
(a) 6
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 15
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89. A battery converts chemical energy into __________energy.
(a) Potential
(b) Kinetic
(c) Electrical
(d) Chemical
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90. The dry cell was prepared by LECLANCHE in ________________.
(a) 1787
(b) 1887
(c) 1987
(d) 1947
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91. The electrochemical cell or batteries are used in _____________.
(a) Flashlights
(b) Calculators
(c) Automobiles
(d) All of them
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All of them

92. Sodium was first discovered by an English chemist ____________in 1807.
(a) Humphrey Davey
(b) Leclanche
(c) Gregory
(d) None of these
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Humphrey Davey

93. The melting point of sodium chloride is ____________.
(a) 801^oC
(b) 1000^oC
(c) 1890^oC
(d) 1313^oC
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94. Which of the following is the most abundant metal on earth’s crust?
(a) Zinc
(b) Gold
(c) Mercury
(d) Aluminum
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95. A concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) is called_________.
(a) Asbestos
(b) brine
(c) Catalyst
(d) Dry cell
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96. A slow and continuous eating away of a metal by the environment is called____________.
(a) Rust
(b) corrosion
(c) Radical
(d) Isotope
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97. Corrosion is a naturally occurring spontaneous phenomena and it drives materials to its _______possible energy states.
(a) Lowest
(b) Intermediate
(c) Highest
(d) None of these
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98. Corrosion is oxidation-reduction process which takes place by the action of _________in presence of moisture with the metals.
(a) NH_3
(b) Air
(c) Sulpher
(d) hydrogem
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99. The most common example of corrosion is rusting of :
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) iron
(d) Platinium
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100. The corrosion of iron is commonly known as___________.
(a) Rusting
(b) Corrosion
(c) Detoxification
(d) Purification
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101. The necessary conditions for rusting is __________.
(a) Moisture
(b) Air
(c) CO_2
(d) Both (a) and (b)
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Both (a) and (b)

102. Iron rusts by combining with oxygen in the presence of :
(a) Chloroform
(b) Water
(c) Benzene
(d) Ester
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103. When iron rusts, it forms brown hydrated mass called ______________.
(a) Ferric oxide
(b) Ferrous oxide
(c) Ferrum oxide
(d) None of these
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Ferric oxide

104. Dents and stains are the site for the process of ______________.
(a) Evaporation
(b) Condensation
(c) rusting
(d) None of these
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105. At anode, 2Fe_{(s)} \quad \longrightarrow 2Fe^{+2}_{(aq)} + _______________.
(a) 2es^-
(b) 4es^-
(c) 6es^-
(d) 8es^-
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106. The loss of electron _________the metal.
(a) damage
(b) Stable
(c) Repair
(d) None of these
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107. The rust mass is _______ and porous in nature and therefore cannot prevent further atmospheric action.
(a) Hard
(b) Allergic
(c) Soft
(d) None of these
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108. Paints and coatings are used to _________metal from corrosion effects.
(a) protect
(b) Damage
(c) Corrode
(d) None of these
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109. The modern paints contain a combination of chemicals called____________.
(a) Suspension
(b) Isomers
(c) stabilizers
(d) None of these
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110. An __________is a homogenous mixture of metals or a mixture of metals and non-metals.
(a) Isotope
(b) Alloy
(c) Polonium
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(d) None of these 111. Alloying also helps to ________corrosion of metals.
(a) Protect
(b) Damage
(c) Corrode
(d) All of these
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112. The best example of alloy is a __________which is a solid mixture of iron, chromium and nickel.
(a) PVC
(b) Acetylene
(c) Stainless steal
(d) None of these
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Stainless steal

113. A thin coating of one metal on another can applied by ___________.
(a) Spraying
(b) Galvanizing
(c) Electroplating
(d) All of them
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All of them

114. ___________protection is used to protect iron in buried fuel tanks and pipelines.
(a) Alloying
(b) Cathodic
(c) Paints
(d) Plating
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115. When metal ion is reduced by passing electricity and a solid metal is deposited on a surface is called ______.
(a) electroplating
(b) Galvanizing
(c) Half Cell
(d) None of these
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116. The __________is an aqueous solution of a salt of the respective metal which is to be deposited on the metal.
(a) electrolyte
(b) Bas
(c) Acid
(d) None of these
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117. An electroplating is used to weld the broken parts of the machinery by depositing the ______on it.
(a) Non-metal
(b) Gas
(c) Metal
(d) None of these
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118. An electroplating is used for _____purposes.
(a) Corrosion
(b) decoration
(c) Ionization potential
(d) None of these
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119. To deposit the noble metals like ___________and silver on an inferior metal to enhance its beauty.
(a) Gold
(b) Lithium
(c) Rhodium
(d) None of these
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120. The oxidation number nitrogen N_2 is
(a) +1
(b) +3
(c) 0
(d) -3
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121. What is the oxidation number C \ in \ CH_3OH:
(a) -2
(b) -1
(c) 0
(d) +1
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122. A cation is:
(a) Neutral
(b) Negatively charged
(c) Positively charged
(d) No charges
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Positively charged

123. Electrons are lost by the :
(a) Reducing agent as it undergoes oxidation
(b) Reducing agent as it undergoes reduction
(c) Oxidizing agent as it undergoes oxidation
(d) Oxidizing agent as it undergoes reduction
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Reducing agent as it undergoes oxidation

124. What is the oxidation number assigned to manganese in KMnO¬4:
(a) +7
(b) +3
(c) +2
(d) +4
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125. In a particular redox reaction, the oxidation number of phosphorus changed from -3 to 0. From this information, it may be concluded that phosphorus:
(a) Last 3 electrons and was reduced
(b) Last 3 electrons and was oxidized
(c) Gained 3 electrons and was reduced.
(d) Gained 3 electrons and was oxidized.
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Last 3 electrons and was reduced

126. Which statement is true for an electrochemical cell;
(a) Oxidation occurs at the anode only
(b) Reduction occurs at the anode only
(c) Oxidation occurs at both the anode and cathode
(d) Reduction occurs at both the anode and cathode.
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Oxidation occurs at the anode only

127. In which of the following does Sulpher have an oxidation number of +7:
(a) HSO-3
(b) SO3
(c) H2SO4
(d) H¬2S2O8 128. What happens to the reducing agent in an oxidation-reduction reaction:
(a) It is oxidized as it gains electrons
(b) It is oxidized as it loses electrons
(c) It is reduced as it gains electrons
(d) It is reduced as it loses electrons.
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It is oxidized as it loses electrons

129. In an electrochemical cell, electrons travel in which direction
(a) From the anode to the cathode through the external circuit
(b) From the anode to the cathode through the salt bridge.
(c) From the cathode to the anode through the external circuit
(d) From the cathode to the anode through the salt bridge
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From the anode to the cathode through the external circuit

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