
Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 2

Updated: 03 Sep 2023


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 2 is about the “Structure of an Atom.” This article includes topics such as Rutherford’s Atomic Model, Neil Bohr’s Atomic Theory, Fundamental Particles of an atom like Electrons, Protons and Neutron, Electronic Configuration and Isotopes.

Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 2 Notes

Chemistry 9th Class Chapter 2

Structure of an Atom


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 2

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Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 2-MCQs

Dalton Atomic Theory

1. A Greek philosopher “Democritus” suggested that all———— can be further divided into tiny particles.
(a) matter
(b) substances
(c) elements
(d) All of them
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All of them

2. The name of atom was given from the Greek word ————- which means indivisible.
(a) atomos
(b) atomics
(c) Halogens
(d) None of these
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3. The word atom was first used —————.
(a) 400AD
(b) 400 BC
(c) 600AD
(d) 600BC
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400 BC

4. No further work on atom was done until the ————– century.
(a) 18th
(b) 20th
(c) 19th
(d) 21st
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5. John Dalton, after a lot of experiments, concluded that all matter must be composed of tiny particles called —-.
(a) Atom
(b) Element
(c) isotope
(d) None of these
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6. John Dalton states that an atom is ——————-.
(a) Invincible
(b) Indivisible
(c) Invisible
(d) None of these
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7. John Dalton presented his own theory about atom in —————–.
(a) 1806
(b) 1906
(c) 1808
(d) 1908
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8. ————–is composed of very small particles called atoms.
(a) Matter
(b) Energy
(c) Numbers
(d) All of these
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9. Atom can neither be created nor ———————.
(a) Formulated
(b) Destroyed
(c) combined
(d) None of these
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10. Atoms combine with each other in ————– number ratio.
(a) Integers
(b) Quadratic
(c) Whole
(d) None of these
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11. Atoms of particular element are ———— in size shape, mass and also in other properties.
(a) Different
(b) Identical
(c) Atomic
(d) None of these
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12. All chemical reactions occur due to the combination or ————— of atoms.
(a) Separation
(b) Distillation
(c) Filtration
(d) None
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Rutherford’s Atomic Model

Rutherford’s Experiment

Main Points of Rutherford’s Atomic Model

Drawbacks of Rutherford’s Atomic Model

13. In———-, Rutherford performed an experiment to know the arrangement of electron and protons in an atom.
(a) 1910
(b) 1912
(c) 1911
(d) 1913
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14. In Rutherford experiment which part of the atom has been discovered?
(a) Energy levels
(b) Nucleus
(c) Other
(d) None
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15. ————— performed an experiment to determine the internal structure of the atom in 1911.
(a) J.J Thompson
(b) Max plank
(c) Rutherford
(d) None of these
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16. In Rutherford experiment, what he has used?
(a) Gold foil
(b) Gold bar
(c) Silver foil
(d) Tin plates
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Gold foil

17. He bombarded the ________ particles on gold foil from a radioactive source.
(a) Beta
(b) Alpha
(c) Gamma
(d) None of these
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18. What radioactive source does Rutherford used?
(a) Polonium
(b) Thorium
(c) Radon
(d) None of these
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19. This experiment showed that most of the volume occupied by the atom is —————.
(a) Bulky
(b) Small
(c) Empty
(d) None of these
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20. From this experiment, Rutherford concluded that an atom contains a ———– portion i.e. nucleus.
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Neutral
(d) None of these
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21. Similar charges ————–each other.
(a) Repel
(b) Attract
(c) Articulate
(d) All of these
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22. On the basis of his conclusion drawn from the experiment, Rutherford proposed a new model at atom called ————-model.
(a) Planetary
(b) Universal
(c) Room & Cat
(d) None of these
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23. Atom consists of positively charged nucleus which contains ———and neutrons.
(a) Electrons
(b) Protons
(c) Fundamental particles
(d) None of these
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24. Electrons are ————around the nucleus just like the planets around the sun.
(a) Stand still
(b) Gathered
(c) Revolving
(d) None of these
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25. The electrons around the nucleus would require ————- force.
(a) Centripetal
(b) Centrifugal
(c) Net
(d) Average
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26. The size of the ————- is very small as compared to the size of atom.
(a) proton
(b) Neutron
(c) Nucleus
(d) All of them
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All of them

27. Atom is ———— because electrons and protons will cancel the effect of each other.
(a) Negatively charge
(b) Neutral
(c) Positively charged
(d) None of these
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28. Rutherford atomic model of an atom resembles our ________ system.
(a) Solar
(b) Universal
(c) Gravitational
(d) None of these
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29. Rutherford model is applicable to neutral bodies and not on ————.
(a) Isotopes
(b) Energy
(c) Charged bodies
(d) None of these
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Charged bodies

30. According to which scientist, electrons are charged bodies revolving around the nucleus and emit energy.
(a) Rutherford
(b) Schrodinger
(c) Maxwell
(d) None of these
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31. If electrons radiate energy continuously then the ———–spectrum will be obtained.
(a) Line
(b) Continuous
(c) Both
(d) None of these
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32. Rutherford atomic model does not provide any explanation about ———— properties of elements.
(a) Chemical
(b) Physical
(c) Elemental
(d) None of these
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Neil Bohr’s Atomic Theory

33. In ————-, Neil Bohr proposed a new atomic theory to overcome the defects of Rutherford atomic model.
(a) 1901
(b) 1910
(c) 1915
(d) 1913
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34. Bohr considered ———-atom as a model.
(a) Helium
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Thorium
(d) None of these
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35. Electrons are revolving around the fixed circular path called ————-.
(a) Shells
(b) Orbits
(c) cycles
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

36. Each shell has a —————– energy.
(a) Fixed
(b) variable
(c) No
(d) None of these
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37. The farther the electron from the nucleus, the ———— will be the energy and vice versa.
(a) Lower
(b) Higher
(c) Intermediate
(d) None of these
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38. The ________ of an object is fixed.
(a) Frequency
(b) Volume
(c) Energy
(d) None of these
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39. ∆E=E_2-E_1=h \mu In ths equation what is “h”?
(a) Plank’s constant
(b) Max constant
(c) Variable
(d) None of these
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Plank’s constant

40 Electrons can’t stay in ———shells.
(a) 1st
(b) 2nd
(c) Between
(d) None of these
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Fundamental Particles of an atom




41. Modern research show that an atom consist of ————— subatomic particles.
(a) 13
(b) 03
(c) 05
(d) None of these
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42. Election is ————— charged particle.
(a) Negatively
(b) Positively
(c) Neutral
(d) All of these
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43. Mass of electron is ————–.
(a) 9.11 \times 10^{31} kg
(b) 9.11 \times 10^{-31} kg
(c) 6.023 \times 10^{23} kg
(d) All of these
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9.11 \times 10^{-31} kg

44. Proton is a ———— charged particle.
(a) Negatively
(b) Positively
(c) Neutral
(d) None of these
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45. Mass of proton is —————.
(a) 1.6726 \times 10^{-27} \ kg
(b) 9.11 \times 10^{-31} \ kg
(c) 1.37 \times 10^6 \ kg
(d) All of these
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1.6726 \times 10^{-27} \ kg

46. Proton is ———– times heavier than electron.
(a) 1847
(b) 1827
(c) 1837
(d) All of these
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47. Neutron is a ————- particle because it has no charge.
(a) Negative
(b) Positive
(c) Neutral
(d) None of these
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48. Neutron is ———– times Havier than proton.
(a) 05
(b) 15
(c) 50
(d) 150
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Electronic Configuration

Energy Level

s and p Sub-Shell

Shell (Orbit)


49. The ———— of electrons around the nucleus in shells is called electronic configuration.
(a) Separation
(b) Distribution
(c) Catenation
(d) None of these
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50. These shells are represented by ————.
(a) Alphabets
(b) Numeric
(c) Romans
(d) None of these
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51. The maximum number of electrons in a particular shell is given by the formula ————.
(a) 4n^2
(b) 2n^3
(c) 4n^3
(d) 2n^2
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52. How many electrons are there K-shell?
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 18
(d) 32
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53. How many electrons are there in L-shell?
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 18
(d) 32
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54. How many electrons are there in M-shell?
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 18
(d) 32
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55. How many electrons are there in N-shell?
(a) 2
(b) 8
(c) 18
(d) 32
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56. A shell or orbit is also is also called ———–.
(a) Energy level
(b) Hertz
(c) Atomic mass
(d) None of these
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Energy level

57. How many sub-shall are there in a shell?
(a) 14
(b) 10
(c) 04
(d) None of these
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58. Which of them are sub-shell?
(a) s, p, d, f
(b) x, y, z
(c) K, L, M, N
(d) None of these
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s, p, d, f

59. “s” sub –shell stands for ————-.
(a) Specific
(b) Sharp
(c) Sonic
(d) All of these
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60 “p” sub-shell stands for —————
(a) Principal
(b) principle
(c) Para-magnetic
(d) None of these
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61 “d” sub –shell stands for ————-.
(a) Drainage
(b) dissolved
(c) diffused
(d) All of these
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62. “f” sub-shell stand for———–.
(a) Fermium
(b) fundamental
(c) Fencing
(d) None of these
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63. “f” sub-shell can accommodate————- electrons.
(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 10
(d) 14
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64. Complete the electronic configuration of carbon atom i.e. 1s^2, 2S^2, ————-.
(a) 2p^2
(b) 2p^3
(c) 2p^4
(d) 2p^5
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65. Atoms of the same element having same atomic number but different ———– is called isotopes.
(a) Density
(b) Mobility
(c) Mass number
(d) None of these
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Mass number

66. Atoms having same number of protons and electrons but differ number of neutrons are called ———–.
(a) Metallurgy
(b) Isotopes
(c) Surface area
(d) None of these
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Isotopes of Hydrogen

67. How many isotopes hydrogen has?
(a) 03
(b) 06
(c) 09
(d) 12
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68. Protium, deuterium and tritium are the isotopes of ————-.
(a) carbon
(b) chlorine
(c) Hydrogen
(d) None of these
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69. What is the most abundant isotope of hydrogen?
(a) Protium
(b) Deuterium
(c) tritium
(d) None of these
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70. Which isotope of hydrogen is rarely found in nature?
(a) Protium
(b) Deuterium
(c) Tritium
(d) None of these
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71. How many neutrons are there in tritium?
(a) 02
(b) 03
(c) 01
(d) None of these
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Isotopes of Carbon

72. Atomic number of carbon is ————-.
(a) 07
(b) 06
(c) 08
(d) None of these
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73. Carbon is the first member of ————–.
(a) Group 1
(b) Group 7
(c) Group 4
(d) Group 6
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Group 4

74. How many isotopes of carbon are there in nature?
(a) 03
(b) 13
(c) 07
(d) 14
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75. C -12, C -13 \ and \ C -14 are the isotopes of ————–.
(a) Iodine
(b) Radon
(c) Carbon
(d) none
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76. Number of neutrons in Carbon-14 \ \left(_{14}C^6 \right) is —————.
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10
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Isotopes of Chlorine

77. Atomic number of chlorine is ——————–.
(a) 17
(b) 6
(c) 1
(d) 3
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78. Chlorine is the second member of ————-
(a) Group 1
(b) Group 4
(c) Group 7
(d) Group 5
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Group 7

79. Group 7is also called ————-
(a) Alkali metals
(b) Halogens
(c) Nobles
(d) none
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80. How many isotopes of chlorines are there in nature?
(a) 02
(b) 12
(c) 03
(d) 13
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81. Cl -35 \ and \ Cl-37 are isotopes of ————–.
(a) Radon
(b) Krypton
(c) Chlorine
(d) Hydrogen
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82. The abundance of Cl -35 is —————-.
(a) 75.53%
(b) 53.75%
(c) 73.55%
(d) 53. 66%
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83. The abundance of Cl-37 is————- in nature.
(a) 24.47%
(b) 47.24%
(c) 74. 42%
(d) 54.26%
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84. The number of neutrons in Cl-35 is 18 and Cl-37 is —————-.
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 02
(d) 04
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Isotopes of Uranium

85. Atomic number of uranium is —————.
(a) 82
(b) 92
(c) 28
(d) 29
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86. How many isotopes of uranium in nature?
(a) 07
(b) 05
(c) 03
(d) 04
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87. The most abundant isotope of uranium is —————.
(a) U -238
(b) U-235
(c) U-234
(d) U-236
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U -238

88. The neutrons quantity in U-238 is ————–.
(a) 142
(b) 146
(c) 143
(d) 145
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Uses of Isotopes

89. Iodine -131 is used for the cure of ————-.
(a) Pneumonia
(b) Cancer
(c) Goiter
(d) None of these
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90. Cobalt -60 is used for the treatment of —————-.
(a) Cancer
(b) Diarrhea
(c) Tumor
(d) Treat less
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91. Carbon -14 is used to trace the path of carbon in ————–.
(a) Respiration
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Reduction
(d) None of these
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92. Californium -252 is used to inspect airplane luggage for hidden —————-.
(a) Explosives
(b) Smoke detectors
(c) Carbon tracing
(d) None of these
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Review Exercise Chapter 2

93. The maximum number of electrons in third energy level is:
(a) 10
(b) 32
(c) 18
(d) 64
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94. Mass of an atom is mostly due to its
(a) Nucleus
(b) Neutrons
(c) Electrons
(d) Protons
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95. If Rutherford had used neutrons instead of alpha particles in his scattering experiment, the neutrons would
(a) Not deflect because they have no charge
(b) Have deflected more often
(c) Have been attracted to the nucleus easily
(d) Have given the same results
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Not deflect because they have no charge

96. Electron in its ground state does not
(a) Spin
(b) Revolve
(c) Radiate energy
(d) Reside in orbit
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Radiate energy

97. Which statement about _6^{12}X \ and \ _6^{14}Y is false except
(a) They are isotopes
(b) They are the same elements
(c) They have the same number of electrons
(d) They have the same number of neutrons
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They have the same number of electrons

98. The neutron particle
(a) Has a mass equal to that of an electron
(b) Has a mass approximately equal to that of a proton
(c) Has charge equal to but opposite to that of an electron
(d) Has a positive charge
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Has a mass approximately equal to that of a proton

99. Isotopes of the same element have
(a) The same number of protons
(b) The same number of neutrons
(c) Different number of electrons
(d) The same mass number
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The same number of protons

100. Which one is the lightest?
(a) An alpha particle
(b) A hydrogen atom
(c) An electron
(d) A proton
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An electron

101. The nucleus of an atom has all of the following Characteristics except that
(a) Is positively charged
(b) Is very dense
(c) Contains nearly all of the atom’s mass
(d) Contains nearly all of the atom’s volume
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Contains nearly all of the atom’s volume

102. L – shell has sub – shell (s)
(a) s
(b) s and p
(c) s, p, and d
(d) s, p, d and f
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s and p

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