
Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 4

Updated: 01 Oct 2023


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 4 is about the “Structure of Molecules.” This article includes topics such as Chemical Bonding, Types of Bonds, Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Types of Covalent Bond, Co-ordinate Covalent Bond, Polar and Non-Polar Covalent Bond, Metallic Bond, Shapes of Molecules, Intermolecular Forces, Dipole-Dipole Interaction, Hydrogen Bonding, Properties of Ionic, Properties of Covalent and Properties of Metals.

Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 4 Notes

Structure of Molecules


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 4 Notes

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Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 4-MCQs

Chemical Bond

Types of Bonds

1. The attractive force which keeps the atom _______ in a substance is called bond.
(a) Together
(b) Separate
(c) In shift
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2. All elements and compounds are formed by the combination of atoms except the _______
(a) Hydrocarbon
(b) Noble gases
(c) Isotopes
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Noble gases

3. ________ combine with one another by chemical process is called chemical bonding.
(a) Atoms
(b) Elements
(c) Compounds
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4. Every system in universe tends to lower its energy to attain ________
(a) Reactivity
(b) Molarity
(c) Stability
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5. Atoms also have the tendency to ________ their energy.
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Unchanged
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6. The combination of atoms gives stable molecule through emission of ________
(a) Energy
(b) Gases
(c) Particles
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7. In 1916 , G.N Lewis and _____proposed the electronic theory of valance .
(a) Max plank
(b) W.Kossel
(c) Schrodinger
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8. The valance concept states that, in a chemical bond formation , atoms take part by losing , gaining or sharing of electrons to attain noble gas _______
(a) Stability
(b) Reactivity
(c) Electronic configuration
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Electronic configuration

9. When atoms have two or eight electrons in their valance shell , they are ______
(a) Stable
(b) Reactive
(c) Unstable
(d) Non-reactive
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10. The tendency of atom to attain ______ electrons in valance shell to attain stability is called octet theory .
(a) Eight
(b) Two
(c) Ten
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11. By gaining two electrons from other atom, oxygen will complete its _____ and become stable.
(a) Duplet
(b) Triplet
(c) Octet
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12. The tendency of atom to attain _______ electrons in its valence shell to attain stability is called duplet theory .
(a) Eight
(b) Two
(c) Ten
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13. ____ has two electrons in its valence shell and it is stable.
(a) Helium
(b) Lithium
(c) Thorium
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14. Elements of Group-VIII are called ____ gases .
(a) Alkali
(b) Noble
(c) Halogens
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15. Elements of Group-VIII are very stable and ______ take part in chemical reaction to form compounds.
(a) Commonly
(b) Every time
(c) Rarely
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16. The orbital concept is based on combination of atomic ______ to produce molecular orbital.
(a) Orbital
(b) Shells
(c) Ions
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17. The atomic orbitals have only ______ electron.
(a) 3
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 4
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18. Endwise overlapping produce _____ bond.
(a) Pi
(b) Ionic
(c) Sigma
(d) None of these
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19. Sidewise overlapping produce _______ bond.
(a) Pi
(b) Ionic
(c) Sigma
(d) None of these
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20. The attractive force which hold the atom together to form a molecule is called _______
(a) Overlapping
(b) Turbidity
(c) Bond
(d) None of these
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21. There are the ______ main types of bond .
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
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Ionic Bond

22. The chemical bond which is formed due to the ________ transfer of electron from one atom to another is called ionic bond.
(a) Complete
(b) Partial
(c) Sharing
(d) None of these
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23. Ionic bond is also called _____ bond.
(a) Dative
(b) Polar
(c) Electrovalent
(d) None of these
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24. The transfer of _____ between atoms complete the octets and duplets.
(a) Protons
(b) Electrons
(c) Neutrons
(d) None of these
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25. Metals always ____ electron to form cations.
(a) Lose
(b) Gain
(c) Share
(d) None of these
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26. Non-metals always ____ electron to form anions
(a) Lose
(b) Gain
(c) Share
(d) None of these
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27. In _______ bond formation, one atom lose electron and the other gains it .
(a) Covalent
(b) Metallic
(c) Ionic
(d) None of these
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28. The atom that loses an electron acquires _____ charge .
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(d) None of these
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29. The atom that gains electron acquires ____ charge .
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Neutral
(d) None of these
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30. Due to opposite charges, the ____ force of attraction is set up between the two ions which hold them together.
(a) Electrostatic
(b) Magnetic
(c) London dispersion
(d) None of these
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31. The example of ionic bond is :
(a) H_2
(b) F_2
(c) Cl_2
(d) NaCl
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Covalent Bond

Types of Covalent Bond

32. A bond formed when two atoms joined together by _____ of electrons is called covalent bond.
(a) Gaining
(b) Sharing
(c) Losing
(d) None of these
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33. Covalent bonds are formed between two _____ elements .
(a) Non-metallic
(b) Metallic
(c) Flammable
(d) None of these
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34. Lewis proposed that two atoms attain _____ electronic configuration by sharing electrons between them.
(a) Unstable
(b) Stable
(c) Unreactive
(d) None of these
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35. The shared pair of electrons between two bonded atoms are called ______ electrons.
(a) Localized
(b) Delocalized
(c) Shared
(d) None of these
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36. All are the examples of covalent bond EXCEPT
(a) HCl
(b) NaCl
(c) H_2
(d) O_2
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37. The bond in which two atoms share ______ electron each to form a pair of electron is called single covalent bond
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
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38. A single straight line ______ shows single covalent bond.
(a) -
(b) =
(d) None of these
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39. ____ is the example of single covalent bond .
(a) NaCl
(b) CH_4
(c) O_2
(d) None of these
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40 The bond in which two atoms share ________ electrons is each to form two pair of electrons called double covalent bond
(a) Single
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) None of these
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41. A double straight line________ shows double covalent bond .
(a) -
(b) =
(d) None of these
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42. All are the example of double covalent bond EXCEPT :
(a) O_2
(b) C_2H_4
(c) CO_2
(d) F_2
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43. The bond in which two atoms share_______ electrons to form three pairs of electrons is called triple covalent bond
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) None of these
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44. A triple straight line shows a covalent bond in which total of _____ electrons are shared.
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 9
(d) 12
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45. The example of triple covalent bond is :
(a) N_2
(b) C_2 H_4
(c) CO_2
(d) None of these
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46. The atomic number of Nitrogen is ________
(a) 9
(b) 7
(c) 5
(d) 3
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47. Nitrogen has five ____ in its valence shell
(a) Neutron
(b) Protons
(c) Electron
(d) None of these
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Co-Ordinate Covalent Bond or Dative Bond

48. The covalent bond in which only one atom donate the _______ of electron is called coordinate covalent bond .
(a) Shared pair
(b) Lone pair
(c) Bond pair
(d) None of these
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Shared pair

49. Coordinate covalent bond is also called _____ bond.
(a) Electrovalent
(b) Dative
(c) Polar
(d) None of these
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50. The atom which donate the shared pair of electron is called ______
(a) Donor
(b) Accepter
(c) giver
(d) None of these
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51. The atom which accept the shared pair of electron is called _______
(a) Donor
(b) Accepter
(c) Gainer
(d) None of these
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52. Which arrow represents coordinate covalent bond ?
(b) =
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53. The example of coordinate covalent bond is
(a) NH_4
(b) CH_3
(c) C_2H_2
(d) CO_2
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Non-Polar Covalent Bond

54. The covalent bond formed by mutual sharing of electrons between atoms, having similar ____ is called non-polar covalent bond.
(a) Electron affinity
(b) Electronegativity
(c) Hybridization
(d) None of these
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55. All are the example of non-polar covalent bond except :
(a) HCl
(b) H_2
(c) Br_2
(d) Cl_2
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Polar Covalent Bond

56. The covalent bond formed by mutual _____ if electrons between atoms , having different electro negativities is called polar covalent bond
(a) Gaining
(b) Losing
(c) Sharing
(d) None of these
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57. Following are the examples of polar covalent bond except :
(a) H_2
(b) HCl
(c) H_2O
(d) NH_3
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Metallic Bond

58. The metals are formed formed from ____
(a) Elements
(b) Compounds
(c) Molecule
(d) Atoms
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59. The atoms in metallic solids are bonded _____ to each other.
(a) Loosely
(b) Tightly
(c) Partially
(d) None
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60 The chemical bonding that result from the attraction between metal positive ions and the surrounding sea of electrons is called _______ bonding
(a) Metallic
(b) Ionic
(c) Covalent
(d) Dative
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61 Atoms in metals are bonded with each other in such a way that every atom is attracted from _____ by other atom
(a) Two sides
(b) Back and forth
(c) All sides
(d) None of these
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All sides

Shapes of Molecules

62. Molecules are extremely _____ in size.
(a) Large
(b) Small
(c) Intermediate
(d) None of these
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63. Scientists proved with the experiments that _____ of molecules are linear, triangular, tetrahedral and pyramidal etc
(a) Shapes
(b) Properties
(c) Applications
(d) None of these
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64. The molecular shape of CO_2 is ____
(a) Trigonal planner
(b) Angular
(c) Linear
(d) None of these
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65. The molecular shape of H_2O is _____
(a) Trigonal planner
(b) Angular
(c) Linear
(d) None of these
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66. The molecular shape of NH_3 is ______
(a) Trigonal pyramidal
(b) Triangular
(c) Tetrahedral
(d) None of these
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Trigonal pyramidal

67. The angle inn linear shape of CO_2 molecule is :
(a) 104.5^0
(b) 180^0
(c) 109.5^0
(d) None of these
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Intermolecular Forces

68. The force of attraction between _____ of a compound is called intermolecular force.
(a) molecules
(b) Atoms
(c) Elements
(d) None
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69. The angle in bent shape of H2O molecule is :
(a) 104.5^0
(b) 180^0
(c) 109.5^0
(d) None of these
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70. Intermolecular force are ______ times weaker than covalent bond.
(a) 15
(b) 25
(c) 30
(d) 20
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71. The intermolecular force are of three types collectively called as _____ force
(a) Sub-atomic particle
(b) Van der waals
(c) Sedimentation
(d) None of these
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Van der waals

Dipole-Dipole Interaction

72. The attractive forces between positive pole of one polar molecule and negative pole of other polar molecule are called _______ interaction
(a) Dipole – dipole
(b) London dispersion
(c) Hydrogen bonding
(d) None of these
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Dipole – dipole

73. Polar covalent molecules are described as _______
(a) Diatomic
(b) Dipoles
(c) Polyatomic
(d) None of these
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74. All are the examples of dipole-dipole interaction except:
(a) CO
(b) HCl
(c) H_2S
(d) Hg
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75. To break the dipole-dipole interaction in HCl molecules , it requires _____ energy
(a) 3.3 kj /mol
(b) 3.3 A^0
(c) 3.3 Hz
(d) 3.3 joules
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3.3 kj /mol

76. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) boils at ________
(a) 85^0 C
(b) -85^0 C
(c) 100^0 C
(d) 63^0 C
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-85^0 C

Hydrogen Bonding

77. The attractive force between highly electron deficient hydrogen atom and nearby highly electronegative atom with lone pair of electrons is called_______
(a) Dipole-dipole
(b) Hydrogen bonding
(c) None
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Hydrogen bonding

78. Hydrogen bond is _____ than dipole–dipole forces.
(a) Stronger
(b) Same
(c) Weaker
(d) None of these
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79. Hydrogen bond is ___________ than covalent bond.
(a) Stronger
(b) Same
(c) Weaker
(d) None of these
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80. Hydrogen bond is _____ times weaker than covalent bond
(a) 15
(b) 20
(c) 25
(d) 30
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81. Hydrogen bond is _______ time stronger than dipole-dipole interaction
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 14
(d) 15
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82. Hydrogen bond is _______
(a) Non-directional
(b) Directional
(c) Both
(d) None
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Properties of Ionic Compounds

83. Ionic compound are _____ at room temperature .
(a) Gas
(b) Liquid
(c) Solid
(d) Plasma
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84. Ionic compounds have sharp _____ points
(a) Melting
(b) Boiling
(c) Freezing
(d) Both a and b
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Both a and b

85. Ionic compounds are ____ in polar solvents like water.
(a) Soluble
(b) Insoluble
(c) Semi – soluble
(d) None of these
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86. Ionic compounds are ______ in molten or solution form.
(a) Strong electrolytes
(b) Weak electrolytes
(c) Non-electrolytes
(d) None of these
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Strong electrolytes

Properties of Covalent Compounds

87. Covalent compounds have ______ melting and boiling points .
(a) High
(b) Constant
(c) Low
(d) None of these
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88. Covalent compounds are ______ in solution form.
(a) Strong electrolyte
(b) Non – electrolytes
(c) Weak electrolytes
(d) None of these
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Non – electrolytes

89. The bond in ________ compounds are directional .
(a) Covalent
(b) Ionic
(c) Metallic
(d) None of these
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90. Covalent compounds depends upon
(a) Geometry
(b) Polarity
(c) Bond types
(d) All of them
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All of them

Properties of Metals

91. All metal are solid at room temperature and pressure EXCEPT :
(a) Gold
(b) Mercury
(c) Aluminums
(d) None of these
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92. The property of metals in which they can beaten into sheets and foils are called _____
(a) Malleability
(b) Ductility
(c) Lustrous
(d) None of these
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93. Metals are __________ they can be drawn into wires.
(a) Covalent
(b) Ductile
(c) Ionic
(d) Non- conduction
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94. Metal are also ______
(a) Lustrous
(b) Sonorous
(c) Good conductor
(d) All of them
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All of them

Review Exercise Chapter 4

1. An atom with a charge is called :
(a) An electron
(b) A molecule
(c) A metal
(d) An ion
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An ion

2. An elements X is in group VI of the periodic table. The ion will be represented by :
(a) X^+
(b) X^-
(c) X^{-2}
(d) X^{+2}
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3. Which pair of elements will join to form a compound with one to one ratio :
(a) Magnesium and chlorine
(b) Sodium and oxygen
(c) Potassium and fluorine
(d) Lithium and Sulphur
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Potassium and fluorine

4. When calcium atom become a calcium ion (Ca^{+2}) :
(a) It loses an electron
(b) It loses two electron
(c) It gains electron
(d) Gain two electrons
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It loses two electron

5. Which two elements will form a covalent compounds :
(a) Sodium and oxygen
(b) Copper and oxygen
(c) Carbon and Oxygen
(d) Magnesium and Oxygen
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Magnesium and Oxygen

6. In the formation of ionic bond, the atoms taking part :
(a) Only gain electrons
(b) Share electrons
(c) Lose and gain of electron
(d) Only lose electrons
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Lose and gain of electron

7. Fluorine has an electronic configuration 2, 7 and Oxygen 2, 6. The formula of fluorine oxide will be :
(a) FO
(b) F_2O
(c) FO_2
(d) F_2O_2
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8. Which of these statements about covalent bonds in incorrect :
(a) HCl contain one pair of shared electrons
(b) CCl_4 contain four pairs of shared electrons
(c) H_2O contain three pairs of shared electrons
(d) NH_3 contains three pairs of shared electrons
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H_2O contain three pairs of shared electrons

9. Which of the following ions do not have the electronic configuration of an argon atom?
(a) Ca^{+2}
(b) S^{-2}
(c) K^+
(d) O^{-2}
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10. Which one of the groups below contains only ionic compounds?
(a) Calcium oxide, Hydrogen oxide Chlorine, Magnesium oxide
(b) Calcium oxide , magnesium oxide, sodium chloride
(c) Carbon dioxide , Copper sulphate ,Hydrogen Chloride
(d) Copper sulphate, methane , sodium chloride
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Calcium oxide , magnesium oxide, sodium chloride

Chemistry Class 9 MCQs (All Chapters)

jawad khalil

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