
Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 5

Updated: 01 Oct 2023


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 5 is about the “Physical States of Matter”. This article includes topics such as Gaseous State, Typical Properties of Gases (Indefinite Volume, Indefinite Shape, Diffusion, Effusion, Pressure, Compressibility, Density), Laws related to Gases, Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, Liquid State, Typical Properties of Liquids (Volume and Shape Evaporation, Vapour Pressure), Factors Affecting Vapour Pressure (Nature of Liquid, Intermolecular Forces, Size of Molecules, Temperature, Boiling Point, Freezing Point, Diffusion, Mobility, Density), Solid State, Typical Properties of Solids (Volume and Shape, Melting Point, Rigidity and Density), Types of Solids (Amorphous Solids, Crystalline Solids), Allotropy, Allotropes of Carbon (Structure of Diamond, Graphite, Buckyball)

Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 5 Notes

Physical States of Matter


Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 5 Notes

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Chemistry Class 9 Chapter 5-MCQs


1. Anything that has mass and occupy space is ________
(a) Matter
(b) Energy
(c) Photon
(d) Ion
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2. How many states matter has ?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
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3. What are the types of matter ?
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) All of them
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4. All the three states of matter are _____ to one another :
(a) In equilibrium
(b) Inter-convertible
(c) Probable
(d) None of these
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All of them

5. When the temperature of solid is increased it is converted into _______
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) gas
(d) None
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6. When the temperature of liquid is increased it is converted into _________
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) None
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7. Gas is the state of matter in which molecules are _______ from each other.
(a) Far away
(b) Near
(c) Away
(d) None
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Far away

8. There is a weak ______ of attraction between gas molecules.
(a) Bond
(b) Intermolecular force
(c) Electrostatic force
(d) None of these
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Intermolecular force

Gaseous State

9. The particles of gas are free to move in ______ with great speed.
(a) Left to right
(b) Top to bottom
(c) All direction
(d) None of these
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All direction

10. Gases occupy ______ volume of its container.
(a) Whole
(b) Half
(c) One third
(d) None of these
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Typical Properties of Gases

Indefinite Volume

11. Gases have ______ volume and they will occupy all available spaces.
(a) Definite
(b) Indefinite
(c) Both
(d) None
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Indefinite Shape

12. _______ do not have definite shape.
(a) Gases
(b) Solids
(c) Liquids
(d) None of these
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13. Diffusion describes the movement of molecules from region of ________ concentration.
(a) Lower to higher
(b) Higher to lower
(c) Lower to lower
(d) None of these
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Higher to lower

14. Gases takes the shapes of the container in which it is _______
(a) Placed
(b) Not placed
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these
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15. Once molecules become evenly distributed throughout the medium, there will be _____ in any direction.
(a) Less diffusion
(b) More diffusion
(c) No diffusion
(d) None of these
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No diffusion

16. Gas molecules are in _____ random motion.
(a) Variable
(b) Constant
(c) No motion
(d) None of these
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17. The gas molecules diffuses very quickly and form a ______ mixture .
(a) Homogeneous
(b) Heterogeneous
(c) Rectilinear
(d) None of these
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18. The spontaneous mixing of molecules of different gases to form a homogeneous mixture by random motion and collision of molecules is called ________
(a) Mobility
(b) Diffusion
(c) Effusion
(d) None of these
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19. In 1833_____discovered that a lighter gas can diffuse much faster than a heavier .
(a) Paulo coalhod
(b) Volkanovski
(c) Thomas graham
(d) None of these
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Thomas graham


20. The escape of molecule in the gasses state one by one without collision through a hole of ______ dimension is called effusion
(a) Molecular
(b) Atomic
(c) Massive
(d) None of these
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21. You can smell onions even when the bag is tightly sealed, this is due to _______
(a) Diffusion
(b) Effusion
(c) Evaporation
(d) None of these
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22. The force exerted by the gas on per unit area of a container is called _______
(a) Pressure
(b) Mobility
(c) Density
(d) None of these
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23. The molecules of gas are in _________ state of motion.
(a) Line
(b) Spectral
(c) Continuous
(d) None of these
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24. The formula of the pressure is :
(a) P = A/F
(b) P = F/A
(c) P = FA
(d) None of these
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P = F/A

25. The SI unit of pressure is ______
(a) N.m^{-2 }
(b) N.cm^{-2}
(c) Hertz
(d) None \ of \ these
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26. The SI unit of pressure is also called_______
(a) Frequency
(b) Temperature
(c) Pascal
(d) None of these
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27. At sea level at 0^0 C , the atmospheric pressure is ______
(a) 360 mm Hg
(b) 760 mm Hg
(c) 760 mm Ag
(d) None of these
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760 mm Hg

28. 760 mm of Hg is also called _______
(a) 760 Torr
(b) 760 mol
(c) 760 Na
(d) None of these
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760 Torr


29. The change in volume per unit change in pressure is :
(a) Mobility
(b) Density
(c) Compressibility
(d) None of these
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30. ______ are highly compressible.
(a) Solid
(b) Gases
(c) Liquid
(d) None of these
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31. This compressibility of gases is due to ____ empty spaces among gas molecules.
(a) Large
(b) Intermediate
(c) Small
(d) None of these
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32. When pressure is applied on gases, distance between the molecules decreases, its volume also ________
(a) increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Maximizes
(d) None of these
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33. The mass per unit volume is called _____
(a) Density
(b) Allotropy
(c) Effusion
(d) None of these
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34. Density can be mathematically written as :
(a) d = m/v
(b) d = mv
(c) P = F/A
(d) None of these
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d = m/v

35. The density is _____ proportional to its volume.
(a) Directly
(b) Inversely
(c) Constant
(d) None
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36. The density of gas is very _____ as compared to the same amount of liquid or a solid .
(a) Low
(b) High
(c) Lit up
(d) All of them
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37. Gaseous oxygen has a density _____ at 0^0 C .
(a) 0.00142 g/cm^3
(b) 1.00142 g/cm^2
(c) 5.00142 g/cm^3
(d) None \ of \ these
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0.00142 g/cm^3

38. Liquid oxygen has a density of 1.149 g/cm^3 at ______
(a) +100^0 C
(b) -103^0 C
(c) -252^0 C
(d) None of these
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-103^0 C

Boyle’s Law

39. Boyle`s law was presented by Robert Boyle in _______
(a) 1862
(b) 1762
(c) 1662
(d) 1962
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40 Robert Boyle gave the relationship volume and pressure of a gas at constant _______
(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Volume
(d) Watt
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41. The volume of a given mass of gas is _______ proportional to the pressure at constant temperature is called Boyle `s law.
(a) Directly
(b) Inversely
(c) Statistically
(d) Non
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42. Mathematically , Boyle`s law can be written as
(a) PV = K_b
(b) V/T = K_c
(c) V \propto 1/p
(d) None of these
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V \propto 1/p

43. K_b is called ______ of Boyle`s law.
(a) Constant
(b) Variable
(c) Predictable
(d) None of these
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44. A 530 dm^3 sample of hydrogen gas collected in a container at 800 mm of Hg pressure at room temperature . what volume will the gas occupy at 400 mm of Hg ?
(a) 960 dm^3
(b) 1060 dm^3
(c) 1160 dm^3
(d) None of these
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1060 dm^3

Charles’s Law

45. In 1787, who gave the relationship between volume and temperature of gas at constant pressure ?
(a) Jacques Charles
(b) Robert Boyle
(c) Robert Whittaker
(d) None of these
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Jacques Charles

46. The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to the absolute temperature at constant pressure is called ________
(a) Boyle`s law
(b) Charles`s law
(c) Law of mass action
(d) None of these
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Charles`s law

47. Mathematically, Charles law can be written as :
(a) V \propto T
(b) V \propto P
(c) V \propto 1⁄T
(d) None of these
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V \propto T

48. The constant of Charles`s law is ______
(a) K_b
(b) K_c
(c) K_T
(d) None of these
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49. The ________ between volume and absolute temperature of given mass of a gas at constant pressure .
(a) Product
(b) Algorithm
(c) Ratio
(d) None of these
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50. If 3 dm^3 of air is heated from 300 K to 400 K at constant pressure , then what is the volume of the gas at higher temperature ?
(a) 4 dm^3
(b) 4.5 dm^3
(c) 11.5 dm^3
(d) None
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4 dm^3

Liquid State

51. Liquid is a state of matter in which the intermolecular forces of attraction are ______ the gaseous state.
(a) Stronger
(b) Weaker
(c) Similar
(d) None of these
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52. Liquid molecules have ______ energy.
(a) Potential
(b) Kinetic
(c) Force
(d) None of these
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53. Liquid molecules have ______ motion .
(a) Random
(b) Rectilinear
(c) Curvilinear
(d) None of these
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Typical Properties of Liquid State

Volume and Shape

54. Liquid has a definite ________
(a) Shape
(b) Volume
(c) Both a and b
(d) None
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55. Liquid do not have a definite ______
(a) Shape
(b) Volume
(c) Both a and b
(d) None
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56. The molecules of a liquid move with different ______
(a) Potential energy
(b) Random motion
(c) Kinetic energy
(d) None of these
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Kinetic energy

57. The molecules whose kinetic energies are higher can move _______
(a) Slower
(b) Intermediate
(c) Faster
(d) None of these
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58. The conversion of liquid state into gaseous state is called _______
(a) Vapour pressure
(b) Evaporation
(c) Condensation
(d) None of these
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59. The phenomenon in which a liquid is converted into vapour without _______ heating is called evaporation.
(a) External
(b) Internal
(c) Temperature
(d) None of these
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60 Evaporation takes place at all ______
(a) Condition
(b) Temperature
(c) Energies
(d) None of these
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61 Evaporation cause ______
(a) Heating
(b) Boiling
(c) Cooling
(d) None of these
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62. Greater the surface area _______ will be the evaporation .
(a) Higher
(b) Lower
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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63. Lower the surface area _______ will be the evaporation.
(a) Higher
(b) Lower
(c) Constant
(d) None of these
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64. With the increase in _______ , the kinetic energy of the molecule increases, so rate of evaporation increases.
(a) Condensation
(b) Boiling point
(c) Temperature
(d) None of these
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65. ______ the intermolecular forces, slow will be the rate of evaporation.
(a) Stronger
(b) Average
(c) Weaker
(d) None of these
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66. _______ the intermolecular forces, slow will be the rate of evaporation .
(a) Stronger
(b) Average
(c) Weaker
(d) None of these
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67. Different liquids have different rate of evaporation at the _______ temperature .
(a) Same
(b) Different
(c) Own
(d) None of these
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68. Water has strong intermolecular forces than _______ therefore alcohol can evaporate quickly than water.
(a) Benzene
(b) Alcohol
(c) Hexane
(d) None of these
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Vapour Pressure

69. The pressure exerted by the vapours of the liquid when the rate of evaporation becomes equal to the rate of _____ is called vapour pressure.
(a) Condensation
(b) Temperature
(c) Freezing point
(d) None of these
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70. When a liquid is placed in container, kinetic energies of all the molecules are _______
(a) Same
(b) Comparable
(c) Different
(d) None of these
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71. When rate of evaporation increases, the rate of condensation also ________
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) No change
(d) None of these
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72. When the rate of evaporation becomes equal to the rate of condensation , this state is called an ______ state .
(a) Equilibrium
(b) Hyperbolic
(c) Allotropic
(d) None of these
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73. The pressure exerted by the vapours of a liquid in equilibrium state is called _______
(a) Diffusion
(b) Vapour pressure
(c) External pressure
(d) None of these
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Vapour pressure

74. Polar liquid having high ______ points exert little vapour pressure at a given temperature.
(a) Boiling
(b) Melting
(c) Freezing
(d) None of these
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75. _________ liquids having low boiling points exert more vapour pressure at same temperature .
(a) Polar
(b) Non-polar
(c) Ionic
(d) None of these
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76. Water has less vapour pressure then _____ at the same temperature.
(a) Acetone
(b) Ketone
(c) Acetic acid
(d) None of these
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77. Those liquids which have ______ size are easily evaporated.
(a) Large
(b) Moderate
(c) Small
(d) None of these
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78. The temperature which vapour pressure of liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure is called _______
(a) Boiling point
(b) Melting point
(c) Freezing point
(d) None of these
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Boiling point

79. ______ have higher boiling point.
(a) Non-polar
(b) Polar
(c) None
(d) None of these
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80. In polar liquids, there are _____ intermolecular forces of attraction than non-polar liquids.
(a) Stronger
(b) Average
(c) Weaker
(d) None of these
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81. The external pressure is _______ proportional to the boiling point.
(a) Inversely
(b) Constant
(c) Directly
(d) None of these
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82. At high attitude, the boiling point of a liquid will be less because ________ is lower.
(a) Internal pressure
(b) External pressure
(c) Diffusion
(d) None of these
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External pressure

83. The temperature at which the liquid and solid state exists in equilibrium state is called ______ point .
(a) Freezing
(b) Boiling
(c) Melting
(d) None of these
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84. Diffusion in liquid is ______ than diffusion in gases.
(a) Faster
(b) Moderate
(c) Slower
(d) None of these
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Solid State

85. In _______ state of matter the particles are closely packed in a fixed pattern.
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) None of these
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86. Solid particles possess only _____ motion .
(a) Random
(b) Vibrational
(c) Rotational
(d) None of these
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Typical Properties of Solids

Volume and Shape

Melting Point



87. Solid state has a _____ shape and volume.
(a) Definite
(b) Indefinite
(c) None
(d) None of these
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88. The temperature at which the solid starts melting and exist in dynamic equilibrium with liquid state is called ____ point .
(a) Freezing
(b) Boiling
(c) Melting
(d) None of these
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89. Which one has the higher density ?
(a) Solid
(b) Liquid
(c) Gas
(d) None of these
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Types of Solids

Amorphous Solids

Crystalline Solids

90. The solid in which the particles are not arranged in ______ dimensions is called amorphous solid.
(a) One
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) Five
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91. All are the examples of amorphous solid EXCEPT :
(a) Glass
(b) Plastic
(c) Candy
(d) Diamond
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92. The solid in which particles are arranged in regular three dimensional pattern is called _____________
(a) Crystalline solid
(b) Amorphous solid
(c) Polymer
(d) None of these
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Crystalline solid

93. ______ is the example of crystalline solid .
(a) Cotton
(b) Butter
(c) NaCl
(d) Rubber
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Allotropes of Carbon

Structure of Diamond

Structure of Graphite

Structure of Buckyball

94. The existence of an elements in more than one crystalline form is called ______
(a) Allotropy
(b) Mobility
(c) Carbon dating
(d) None of these
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95. The temperature at which one allotrope changes into another allotropic form is called ____ temperature .
(a) Allotropic
(b) Transition
(c) Crystalline
(d) None of these
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96. Diamond , graphite , Bucky ball , soot are the examples of allotropes of ________ .
(a) Carbon
(b) Polonium
(c) Radon
(d) None of these
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Review Exercise Chapter # 5

97. The spontaneous mixing of particles is called :
(a) Evaporation
(b) Sublimation
(c) Diffusion
(d) Boiling
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98. Which statement for the particles of solid is not correct :
(a) They move at great speed
(b) They are arranged in regular pattern
(c) There is a very little space between the particles
(d) The force of attraction between the particles are strong
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They move at great speed

99. A liquid boils when its vapour pressure becomes equal to :
(a) 760cm of Hg
(b) 1 Pascal
(c) 101.325 kilo Pascal
(d) 0.1 atm
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101.325 kilo Pascal

100. The vapour pressure of a liquid increases with the :
(a) Increase of pressure
(b) Increase of temperature
(c) Increase of intermolecular force
(d) Increase of polarity of molecules
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Increase of temperature

101. Water normally boils at 100^0C but it is possible to boil at 50^0C which variable would you have to change to do this :
(a) Increase external pressure
(b) Decrease external pressure
(c) Increase surface area
(d) Decrease surface area
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Increase surface area

102. The vapour pressure of a liquid in a closed container depends upon :
(a) Amount of liquid
(b) Surface area of the liquid
(c) Temperature
(d) Both b and c
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103. Which one of the following is not an example of amorphous solid :
(a) Rubber
(b) Glass
(c) Glucose
(d) Plastic
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104. At freezing point which one of the following coexist inn dynamic equilibrium :
(a) Gas and solid
(b) Liquid and gas
(c) Liquid and solid
(d) All of these
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Liquid and solid

105. Ink spreads inn water because of :
(a) Vapour pressure
(b) Expansion
(c) Diffusion
(d) Compressibility of water
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106. What will be the pressure of gas , if the volume of the gas at 2 atmospheres it increased from 1.5 dm^3 to 3 dm^3
(a) 1 atmosphere
(b) 1.5 atmosphere
(c) 2 atmosphere
(d) 2.5 atmosphere
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1 atmosphere

Chemistry Class 9 MCQs (All Chapters)

jawad khalil

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