
Class 4 Science MCQs Chapter 5

Updated: 02 Oct 2022


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Class 4 Science MCQs Chapter 5

Forms of Energy and Energy Transfer

Chapter No. 5 Test # 1

1. The ability to do work is called ________.
(a) Matter
(b) Energy
(c) Density
(d) Work
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2. The biggest source of energy is the______.
(a) Moon
(b) Stars
(c) Sun
(d) None of these
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3. Water (flowing), air, coal, oil, gas and wood are the sources of______.
(a) energy
(b) Sun
(c) Gas
(d) None of these
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4. _______ can be transformed into another form.
(a) Energy
(b) Water
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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5. Electricity produced from the fast-flowing water is called as_______.
(a) Hydroelectricity
(b) Solar
(c) Mechanic
(d) None of these
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6. How hydroelectricity is made?
(a) Dam is built and water of river is stored in a lake at certain height.
(b) The store water flows very fast through a tunnel and runs a turbine.
(c) The turbine runs a generator which produces electricity.
(d) All of these
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All of these

7. In thermal power station, _______ is/are used to produce electricity.
(a) Coal
(b) Oil
(c) Gas
(d) All of these
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All of these

8. How electricity is produced in thermal power station.
(a) Burn coal, oil or gas to change water into steam.
(b) The steam is used to run a turbine.
(c) The turbine runs a generator to produce electricity.
(d) All of these
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All of these

9. There are _______ reserve of sources of energy like coal, oil and gas.
(a) Limited
(b) Unlimited
(c) Vide range
(d) None of these
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10. Coal, oil and gas are made in _______ of years.
(a) 10
(b) Hundreds
(c) Thousands
(d) millions
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11. In windmill, electricity is produced from the energy of_______.
(a) Sun
(b) Water
(c) Coal
(d) fast wind
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fast wind

12. _______is a form of energy that helps us to see things around us.
(a) Light
(b) Coal
(c) Mobile cell
(d) None of these
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13. The sun, stars and lighting are the _______sources of light.
(a) Artificial
(b) Natural
(c) Thermal
(d) Hydro
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Natural n

14. Candle, oil lamp, torch, electric bulb are the ________sources of light.
(a) Artificial
(b) Natural
(c) Thermal
(d) Hydro
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15. _______ travels in all directions in straight lines.
(a) Light
(b) Coal
(c) Mobile cell
(d) None of these
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16. When light cannot pass through an object, a _________of that object is formed behind it.
(a) Image
(b) Imaginary image
(c) Shadow
(d) None of these
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17. Light always travels in _________ path.
(a) Zig zag
(b) Waves
(c) Straight
(d) no path
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18. When light strikes the shiny and smooth surface of mirror, it bounces back and enters our eye; this is called ___________of light.
(a) Refraction
(b) Reflection
(c) Diffraction
(d) Diverging
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19. Due to _________ of light, we can see our image in mirror.
(a) Refraction
(b) Reflection
(c) Diffraction
(d) Diverging
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20. There are _________colors in sunlight.
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Seven
(d) One
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21. the colors present in sunlight are:
(a) Red, orange, yellow
(b) Green, blue
(c) Indigo, violet
(d) All of these
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All of these

22. After rain when sunlight pass through water droplets suspended in the air, they divide it into seven colors which is called________.
(a) Prism
(b) Rainbow
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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23. ________ is the form of energy that is produced by vibrations in an object.
(a) Prism
(b) Rainbow
(c) Sound
(d) Producer
Show Answer Answer: Sound

24. The vibrating object produces ________.
(a) Prism
(b) Rainbow
(c) Sound
(d) Producer
Show Answer Answer: Sound

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Chapter No. 5 Test # 2

25. Sound needs some _________ to travel.
(a) Vacuum
(b) Light
(c) Medium
(d) None of these
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26. The sound reaches our ears through particles of the _______
(a) Vacuum
(b) Light
(c) Air
(d) None of these
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27. The _________ present in our throat produce sound.
(a) vocal cards
(b) Mic system
(c) No cards
(d) Simple cards
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vocal cards

28. Sound cannot travel in________.
(a) Vacuum
(b) Iron
(c) Medium
(d) None of these
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29. When sound bounces back from an object (reflects) at a certain distance and we hear it again, it is called ____.
(a) Real sound
(b) No sound
(c) Echo
(d) None of these
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30. _________ use echo to catch its prey in darkness.
(a) Rat
(b) Cat
(c) Bat
(d) None of these
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31. A hard and smooth object ________ sound better.
(a) Refracts
(b) Reflects
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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32. To hear a clear echo, the reflecting surface should be at least _______meters away from the source of sound.
(a) 7
(b) 17
(c) 27
(d) 37
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33. Heat is a form of ________.
(a) Matter
(b) Energy
(c) Coal
(d) Oil
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34. Heat always travels from _________ object.
(a) Cold to hot
(b) Hot to cold
(c) Hot to hot
(d) Cold to cold
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Hot to cold

35. _______ is used to measure the hotness or coldness of an object.
(a) Temperature
(b) Energy
(c) Thermometer
(d) None of these
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36. The instrument used to measure temperature iscalled ______.
(a) Temperature
(b) Energy
(c) Thermometer
(d) None of these
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37. In thermometer, ______ present in its bulb.
(a) Mercury
(b) Alcohol
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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Both a & b

38. When the bulb of thermometer touches a hot object, the mercury or alcohol _______________
(a) Expands
(b) Contracts
(c) Both at same time
(d) None of these
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39. When the bulb of thermometer touches a cold object, the mercury or alcohol _______
(a) Expands
(b) Contracts
(c) Both at same time
(d) None of these
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40 Doctors usually measure temperature in _______ scale.
(a) Centigrade
(b) Fahrenheit
(c) Kelvin
(d) None of these
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41. The symbol of Fahrenheit scale is _______
(a) {}^o F
(b) {}^o C
(c) {}^o Fa
(d) {}^o Cd
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{}^o F

42. The symbol of degree centigrade is _______
(a) {}^o F
(b) {}^o C
(c) {}^o D
(d) {}^o Cd
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{}^o C

43. To describe the condition of weather, _______ is used.
(a) {}^o F
(b) {}^o C
(c) {}^o Fa
(d) {}^o Cd
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{}^o C

44. When the object is hot, its temperature _______
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Both at the same time
(d) None of these
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45. When the object is cold, its temperature _______
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Both at the same time
(d) None of these
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46. Fahrenheit and degree centigrade are the units of _______.
(a) Hotness
(b) Coldness
(c) Temperature
(d) None of these
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Chapter No. 5 Test # 3

47. Electricity or electric energy is produced by _______
(a) Water
(b) Air
(c) Generators
(d) None of these
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48. The electricity supplied to our homes through _______
(a) Wi Fi Signals
(b) Mechanical energy
(c) Wires
(d) Signals
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49. Cells and batteries are the sources of________ energy.
(a) Sound
(b) Heat
(c) Electrical
(d) None of these
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50. In toys, torch, clock etc _______ is used.
(a) Cells
(b) Batteries
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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Both a & b

51. For running devices in our homes _______ energy is used.
(a) Sound
(b) Heat
(c) Electrical
(d) None of these
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52. Electrical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy like:
(a) Heat
(b) Light
(c) Sound
(d) All of these
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All of these

53. In heater, the electrical energy changes into _______
(a) Sound
(b) Heat
(c) light
(d) None of these
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54. In electric bulb, the electrical energy changes into _______
(a) Sound
(b) Heat
(c) Light
(d) None of these
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55. In loud speaker, the electrical energy changes into _______
(a) Sound
(b) Heat
(c) Electrical
(d) None of these
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56. The path of current is called a/anelectric ________.
(a) Power
(b) Energy
(c) Heater
(d) circuit
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57. When the switch is turned “ON” the path of electric current is _______
(a) Open
(b) Complete
(c) Infinite
(d) None of these
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58. When the path of electric current is complete, the bulb is _______
(a) ON
(b) OFF
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these
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59. The system of life is working due to _______ of one form of energy into another.
(a) Creation
(b) Destroyed
(c) Transformations
(d) None of these
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60 _______ helps us to see things.
(a) Moon
(b) Light
(c) Sound
(d) None of these
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61. Sound is produced by _______ objects.
(a) Vacuum
(b) Vibrating
(c) Electrical
(d) None of these
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62. The temperature of hot objects is _______ than the temperature of cold objects.
(a) Smaller
(b) Greater
(c) Lower
(d) None of these
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63. Which of the following is a not a form of energy?
(a) Light
(b) Sound
(c) Water
(d) Heat
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64. We hear echo when sound:
(a) Reaches us direct from the source
(b) comes after bouncing back from a wall at a certain distance.
(c) Comes from a loud speaker
(d) Is very loud
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comes after bouncing back from a wall at a certain distance.

65. How many colors are present in sunlight?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 7
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66. If you take your hand nearer to the lighted lamp than to the wall, the shadow of your hand:
(a) Will not form.
(b) will be smaller.
(c) Will be bigger
(d) Will be the same size
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will be smaller.

67. Electrical energy can be transformed into:
(a) Heat
(b) Light
(c) Sound
(d) All of these
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All of these

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jawad khalil

jawad khalil

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