Class 4 Science Chapter 2 Test 2 Updated: 11 Jun 2022 546 Welcome to your Class 4 Science Chapter 2 Test 2 1. _______ aquatic plants are produces. Lotus Algae Both a & b None of these None 2. The living things which obtain their food from other living thing are called. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 3. Algae are __________. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 4. As the plant produce food for them and for animal, so plants are called Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 5. Biotic components are divided into _______ groups. Three Four Five Six None 6. The biotic component of an ecosystem is divided into_________ groups. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 7. Bacteria and fungi are _________. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 8. The plants produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of Sunlight Absorbed water Both a & b None of these None 9. The living thing which breakdown the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple components for their food from these are called __________. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 10. The ______ produce food for themselves and for animals with the help of absorbed water and sunlight. Animals Consumer Plant None of these None 11. _______ cannot make their own food. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 12. Herbs, climbers, shrubs and trees are ________ Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 13. Which of the following organisms are decomposers? All plants Lions Rats Bacteria and fungi None 14. All the animals are ___________. Producers Consumers Decomposer All of these None 15. Among living organisms bacteria are: Producers Consumers Decomposer Viruses None Time's up
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