
Physics Class # 9 Ch # 1 Quiz # 1

Updated: 10 May 2020


Welcome to your Physics Class # 9 Ch # 1 Quiz # 1

The study of physical universe: energy, matter and how they are related is called

The study of _______ is to understand the world around us, the world inside us and the world beyond us.

Physics cover a wide range of phenomena, from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the largest

Physics investigate the ________ in sound waves.

Our Solar system is located in a large spiral-shaped galaxy called the

Milky Way Galaxy almost consists of _______ stars.

________ is at the root of every field of science.

The abbreviation of CT Scan is

Hologram technology is a ______ dimensional image.

There are more than _____ verses in the Quraan dealing with the natural phenomena.

Yaqub Kindi was born in

Yaqub Kindi was born in ____ and was died in ______

Ibnal Haitham was born in ____

Ibnal Haitham was born in _______ and was died in _____

Al Beruni is _________ scholar.

Al Beruni was born in _____ and was died in ______.

KITAB UL MANAZIR is written by:

Who wrote about 150 books?

Abdul Qadeer Khan born in _____

Kahuta Research Laboratories is established in _____

jawad khalil

jawad khalil

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